Chapter 7

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Y/N - your name ~ H/C - hair color ~ E/C - eye color ~ F/C - favorite color ~

S/F/C - second favorite color ~ F/F - favorite food ~ F/D - favorite drink ~ P/N - pet name

(may add more in the future (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)

Laurance's POV

I threw myself onto my bed and whipped out my phone from my back pocket. It was 3 am. I can never get to sleep within reasonable hours. I noticed I had gotten a Snipchat from Y/N. She sent a picture of her and her cat cuddling with the caption, "Night guys! C'ya tomorrow!❣!" Her cat was huge. I smiled and assumed that she sent the picture to everyone. She was wearing a tank top, showing her arms. You could definitely tell she was strong. But her arms were covered in what looked like burn scars. She had a few scrapes as well. Was she a burn victim? I shook it off and sent her a picture of my ceiling fan, noticing that I looked like a train wreck. I typed "Night!" and sent it back to her. I closed my eyes for a moment, my hands resting on my chest and breathing slowly. "Garroth or Y/N? I'm so confused... dammit." I thought frowning.

" I thought frowning

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Art by: L.C. Andrews (Squidterd) (edit: hi smol L.C.'s old drawing styleee~)

My eyes fluttered open to see bright beams of sunlight and dust dancing around my room. The golden light was blinding. I groaned and rolled on my side away from the sun, but unable to go back to sleep. I glanced at my alarm clock on my bedside table. 8:32 am. I was still tired from last night. My thoughts faded from the party to Garroth and how his wavy blond hair always seemed to be perfect, his turquoise eyes always sparkling and a smile etched onto his face. He wore a black cross necklace a lot, and rubbed it between his forefinger and thumb when he got nervous or stressed. I sighed deeply as my thoughts bled from Garroth to Y/N, and how she was filled with laughter. She was mysterious and sweet, and her hair hung over her E/C eyes, with dark bags hanging from underneath them. She wore a black cross necklace, similar to Garroth's.

I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms and groaned again. Why does love do this to me?

Zane's POV

I could hear Laurance's bed squeaking as he tossed around and Garroth was snoring loudly from across the hall. I wish they could be quiet for one minute. I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep and I threw the covers of me and swung my legs off my bed. I stepped on my phone, which must've fallen off my bed last night. I picked it up and turned it on. A notification bubble floated around on my phone. I tapped it and it opened Snipchat. It took me a moment to realize that the username belonged to Y/N. I opened the picture and noticed it was from last night. Hair covered her eyes too. A small smile played at my mouth before I grabbed the mask off my bedside table, looking at it reluctantly before tying it around my head and adjusting it so it fit over my lower face. I quickly got dressed in my usual black attire and looked at myself in the mirror hanging on my wall. Pathetic. I thought to myself. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out the house, not wanting to wake up the morons, one of them, most likely Garroth, would text or call me once they noticed that I was gone.

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