Chapter 20

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Your POV

"Hello, Y/N," she said quietly, though her voice couldn't be creepier. It echoed slightly, like how mine does now that I have the collar. I touched the gemstone resting on my neck lightly.

"What's going on?" I asked, straining to keep the anxiety out of my voice, but the now-not-so-silent-woman must have still sensed it.

She shook her head slightly, amber strings of hair swooping in front of her eyes. "Nothing that you need to worry about." She shifted in her seat. "I came here to apologize, actually."

Confusion clouded my brain. Apologize? 

"What do you mean?"

"You're valuable to me Y/N. More than you know, however, I should have known better than to have drawn so much energy from you."

Now I was really confused. "I still don't understand."

She shook her head again. "I know. It's complicated." She paused for a moment. "You passed out because of me. I was drawing energy from you." She tapped the corner of her emerald eye. My fingers clenched around the glowing collar.

"That was you?" Anger boiled inside of me. Fear rushed through my veins. She was the one who made those horrible memories come back. She was digging through my head, increasing and drawing negative energy from me.

I should be thankful that she stopped before I relived my father's death. I don't know what she could have done then.

The woman's eyes darkened. "Yes," she said simply.

I sat in silence, staring at her in disbelief. I ripped the quilt off of me and stood on the cold wooden floors. I wobbled, vertigo making my head spin. "I want to leave. Who are you? I want to know why the hell I'm here!" I shouted angrily. I was scared and confused and angry and things were going to get physical real soon if I don't get some answers.

However, much to my dismay, the silent lady didn't move. I wanted her to flinch. To fear me. I killed four people and I could do it again. I could kill her along with everyone else in this house an not blink an eye. My fingers twitched.

I blinked rapidly. What am I thinking? I need to stop thinking like a psychopath. Besides, it was the voice that controlled me, and I haven't heard it in a while. I wouldn't have it in me to freely kill someone... would I?

The silent lady stood, directing my attention to her and snapping me out of my daze. "You should get some more rest." She began to walk towards the door. 

I stormed after her, and stomped on her coat tail. She jerked, halting in her tracks. "I want answers." I growled. She didn't move for a while.

But when she did my heart nearly gave out on me.

Her head twisted towards me, her spine contorting in a nightmarish way. Tears brimmed my eyes and I fell to the ground. I started to hyperventilate. Her gemstone eyes bugged and glowed a sickly green. The collar on my throat tightened and I gasped, struggling to breathe. 

"Sleep," she echoed, her face beginning to turn skeleton-like and ashen.

I screamed.

And the world went black.


Aaron's POV

"Aaron, you need to calm down," Lucinda said as we twisted down the snowy road. Though the car was warm, it wasn't the reason I was breaking out in sweat.

"Lucinda, I left Aph back there when I know she was afraid. I... I should be there for her. She still isn't fully recovered from Ena and I just... left. And for what?! A stupid winter job to fix an old memory."

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