Chapter 27

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We were now on a sea, crashing waves shook the boat, sending crew overboard or to the floor. Ena clung to a rope with one hand, peering into the distance and protecting her face with the other. She looked calm, as if she wasn't worried about her being the next person to go overboard. An island's silhouette appeared in the misty distance.

"We're almost to the island! Keep your feet on the deck!" she called to the crew, just as another man was thrown over into the thrashing sea. Rain blew so hard it appeared be sideways. Wind ripped at the sails and clothes of the decreasing crew of sailors.

After an hour of fighting the weather, the boat slowly approached the shore, scraping against the sand and rocks below. Ena collapsed out of the ship and onto the pebble covered beach below. She peered over her shoulder at the ship. One of the masts was broken, the sails were torn, and there were holes in the bottom of the ship from the rocks. Ena was the only one left of the crew, as the Cursed Sea promised, allowing those of strong power passage through the deadly waves surrounding the island.

She staggered to her feet and checked her bag. Satisfied that nothing was missing, she pushed forwards, towards the towering mountain at the island's middle. I looked up at the swirling black clouds filling the sky and felt my heart pitter. Part of me didn't want to see the Demon Warlock, but my curiosity got the better of me, not that I'd be able to fight being teleported forwards into time.

And just that happened. We were now in a fiery chamber, the air thin, but thick with fog. Small, vile creatures looking something like a decrepit gnome littered the area, and two had Ena's arms pinned behind her back.

Footsteps echoed off the walls. I followed Ena's gaze and stared in shock at the massive creature before me. It must be at least seven feet tall, legs bent like a goat's, and horns like a ram's that were pitch black. A purple and gold cloak covered its gray skin, and from underneath the hood, vibrant purple eyes gleamed.

"What brings you to my domain, mortal?" It boomed menacingly.

Ena bowed her head respectfully. "Great Demon Warlock, I am most humble in your presence. I have come to propose a deal."

The demon's head whipped back and cackled, it's laugh shaking the mountain. "A deal? You are truly clueless, mortal. You won't be making any deals today. I can sense that invigorating power seeping from your skin in waves." The Demon Warlock crept closer, and the creatures holding Ena scurried away.

A gray hand snaked under Ena's jaw and lifted her head, exposing her neck. The massive creature leaned close.

"Irene's relic!" Ena blurted. The Demon Warlock paused. "I can get you Irene's relic if you can make this deal. There are only a few things I need from you, and Irene's power will eventually be yours," Ena finished quickly.

The Demon Warlock took a moment, then stepped away from Ena.

Ena let out a quiet breath of relief. "I need something to break through realms. A Realm Breaker is too limited. I need to be taught. Second, I wish for you to make me immortal. I don't want to die in any realm other than this one. I don't ask for protection, only for that. If you wish, you can kill me when I return with the relic." Ena paused, the Demon Warlock didn't move.

Ena continued. "I need time of course. I have an experiment I would like to complete first. And finally," Ena reached into her bag and pulled out the small chest, it's innards rattling. She opened the box and my heart jumped into my throat. "I need you to replace my eyes."

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