Chapter 16

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Garroth's POV

It's been a few months since Y/N got arrested and sent to jail. She had a court trial, but she was sobbing, saying that she hadn't done any of that. That she was forced to do it. No one believed her. There would be days when I would stay up late, thinking about her. Thinking about in the year that we've all known each other, none of us noticed what her actual intentions were. I don't think anyone wants to talk about all the drama she caused. I think it scares them.

I clicked my pen several times as I thought. I've been keeping a journal ever since the whole curse thing happened months ago. I guess writing kinda grew on me. It helped me cope with the drama of the past.

Katelyn had her play, but Y/N was replaced by one of her friends at school. The play was still a huge success and tickets sold out, but everyone felt kind of awkward when Y/N was replaced.

A knock at my door made me jump and turn around in my desk chair. Laurence walked in wearing a large sweatshirt. My sweatshirt I realized quickly. Pink tinged my ears but I quickly swallowed to rid the blush.

"Hey, Laurence," I said, giving him a sweet smile. He smiled back and leaned against the doorway.

"Hey, dude. Dante, Travis, Zane and I are going to the cafe. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he asked. I cocked my brow. 

"Zane's coming?" I questioned. That was surprising, but I'm happy for him for being more social. Laurance chuckled and shook his head. "Travis dragged him along," he smiled.

"Oh," I laughed and stood. "Yeah, sure. I'll come. I need to get out of the house anyway." Laurance nodded and addressed me with his sharp chin.

"I'll leave you to get dressed then. You've got a huge coffee stain on your shirt."


We walked inside of the cafe escaping from the brisk winter air, chills racing down our spines as the temperature changed. Zane winced at an outside table, sadness and pity filling his visible eye. He quickly replaced it with a scowl and hurried inside. I didn't stop him to ask what was wrong. I already knew. Zane and Y/N would come here often and sit in that exact spot outside. They became rather close over months of coffee and cupcakes.

No, stop that, I scolded myself. Stop thinking about her. 

We ordered quickly and took a booth far away from the outside table. 

"Man, I'm tired," Travis sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hand. Zane slid into the booth chair after him. Dante, Laurence and I took the other side. Zane picked up the dessert menu peaking out from behind the condiments on the far side of the table.

"How come?" he questioned, his eyes glancing over the desserts. I looked away, looking for something to occupy myself with. I've gotten used to Y/N tagging along and always having something to talk about. Always making us laugh. Now, it's empty. We've all grown to like her, and I'm guilty of liking her a bit more. I'm not sure about anyone else though. I was planning on making a move this summer, but I guess those plans got shot in the head. 

Travis blinked away his bleary eyes and cracked a smile. "Been getting tons of headaches and stuff. I can't sleep when I get them no matter how many painkillers or sleeping pills I take," he sighed, kneading his eyes again.

Dante chuckled. "Must be exhausting to be that good looking, hm?" Travis cracked a teasing smile and threw his hands up in the air, striking a dramatic pose. 

"Boo, you know it," Travis announced, whipping his head back and grinning. I was waiting for him to take handfuls of glitter out of his pockets and throw it into the air. That had actually happened once when we first moved here. Long story short, there were a lot of feathered boas and high heels and glitter. We were kicked out of the cafe we raided within minutes. The thought made me laugh.

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