Chapter 3

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Y/N - your name ~ H/C - hair color ~ E/C - eye color ~ F/C - favorite color ~

S/F/C - second favorite color ~ F/F - favorite food ~ F/D - favorite drink ~ P/N - pet name

(may add more in the future (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)

Your POV

Months passed since Katelyn's and her friends homes were blown up. I had texted her recently saying that if they were still looking for a place to stay, that there were plenty of houses available on my street, (heh heh. pun.) and gave her more houses for sale in the city. She responded that she will look into it with the Property Brothers, Levin and Malachi, who were trying to find a domicile for the friends.

I didn't hear back from her for another month, but I didn't blame her. They were probably trying to find houses to move into, or busy with work. Plus, Katelyn was awful at responding in time. 


I started to clean my home, finding the dirty dishes seemed to be taking over the kitchen sink.

I started to scrub at the grime on the last dish in the sink, when my phone pinged. I dried off my hands and picked it up, opening up the message.

(K- Katelyn Y- You)

K- We now have homes! 🎉

Y- Really? That's awesome!

K- I know! The hotels and renting were getting too expensive, so we all had to get even more jobs to pull through. It was hard, but the Property Brothers got us some nice places across town!

Y- Ooh that's great!

K- Yeah, I don't think I have seen Zane smile like that before.

I started to type, but another messaged popped up from Katelyn.

K- Ugh, I've got to go help pack. Thanks for helping us find places to stay! You've been a great help.

Y- No problem. Have fun packing😆

 I was so happy for them! They finally got out of the huge hole they fell into and got back onto their feet. I decided about making a cake and a card to send to them once they got settled into their homes. But now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know any of their names except Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Aphmau, even after going to high school with nearly all of them. But they were all a grade above me, and I didn't become friends with Kacey until junior year. Until then, I was part of the Shadow Knights, a club that I'm ashamed that I ever joined. I went to class and never ditched, unlike Gene, Sasha, and Zenix. Thinking back, I never really had friends, and I was always an outcast and was always bullied. Eventually I had let this get to me, and became the bully, and even forced myself into the Shadow Knights.

I hated thinking back to this. I was such a jerk. If I could go back in time, I would probably slap the crap out of my younger self.

I shook the thought out of my head and went to get the laundry to fold, remembering the large pile of dirty clothes in my room. I sighed. This might take a while.


I carried the heavy basket of folded laundry up to my room and set it down, the weight taking me with it. I tripped and fell on top of the clothes and sat up abruptly, embarrassed. "Stupid laundry." I said, standing. I sat on my bed, taking a break from cleaning. P/N jumped and lay down next to me. I thought about what Kacey and Katelyn have told me about her friends. She never described their appearance, but the only people I know asides from Katelyn are Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau, and I hardly know what they look like. I opened up the picture Katelyn had sent me a few months ago of everyone of the plane. I looked at everyone else in the picture. There was a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes, a boy with black hair and blue eyes, and a boy with black hair and black eyes and two boys who were striking a pose in the back, one with white hair and green eyes and another with blue hair and blue eyes.

"There sure are a lot of blue eyed people." I thought to myself, glancing over the picture again. I noticed a woman behind the two boys who were posing dressed in a flight attendants uniform, looking like she's fussing everyone. I laughed and put my phone on my nightstand and collapsed onto my bed and shut my eyes.


I woke up around one in the afternoon, refreshed, but starving. I remembered that I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I slid down the sailing of my stairwell and jumped off at the end. Giggling to my childish behavior, I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich.


After eating, I went outside to sit on my front porch swing and relax. I picked up a book from the Larry Patter (Harry Potter) series I have read so many times, I can't remember the exact number.

I smiled and sat down on my swing, and opened my book, using my feet to rock the swing. Every now and then, one of the cat lady's cats would come running down the street, yowling at a lizard or something. P/N came outside through the pet door I have installed on my front door. He meowed at me and lept onto the swing and curled up, purring.

My thoughts drifted from my book and began to think back to Kacey. It's been years since I've seen him. I wonder if he even remembers me...

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