Chapter 10

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your POV

Morning light made my eyes flutter open, dust flying lazily around me. When I was younger, my mom called them dust fairies. I used to try to knock them out of the air, but I found that they would always twirl back upward. 

I stretched and slouched on my sofa, blinking lazily at the sunbeams shining through my window, trying to work out a knot in my back from not sleeping correctly. After a while of dazing, I slipped off the couch and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I chose a bright red apple and bit into it. I walked back to my living room, crunching into the sweet fruit and suddenly my phone went off. Slightly startled at the loud noise I picked it up. Katelyn was calling. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"Hermwo?" I said, my speech muffled from the apple in my mouth.

"Y/N why aren't you at the theater! We have a photo-shoot to do and promotion posters to make and we can't do it without Belle!" she yelled, obviously stressed out. I swallowed my half-chewed apple piece, coughing lightly before replying.

"Oh, Irene! Jeez, I'm so sorry Katelyn! I'll be there as soon as I can!" I breathed, heart pounding, and rushing to my feet, making a mad dash to my room.

"You had better!" Katelyn said and started to yell at someone else before the call ended. 

I threw on blue jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed a sweatshirt, cell phone, and my purse, and ran outside, careful not to slip on the ground, still damp from morning dew. 

After about 20 minutes, I had finally reached the theater. The moment I stepped foot in backstage and arm grabbed mine and rushed me over to a makeup booth. 

"Y/N~Chan, you shouldn't make Kawaii~Chan wait so long! We were worried!" my captor whined. The pink haired Meif'Wa shoved me into a dressing room, her following right behind me holding a yellow-gold dress. 

"Irene, that's gorgeous," I muttered, wide-eyed at the amazing dress before me.

"Cadenza~San made your dress! She really has amazing talent." Kawaii~Chan sang, and she turned around and let me undress to my undergarments.

"She made it in just a few weeks? Along with the other costumes? What is she? Some sort of dress-making witch with fashion powers?" I said, amused at myself. 

Kawaii~Chan turned back to face me and slid the dress over my head. She giggled, "Kawaii~Chan wouldn't be surprised if she did."

We left the dressing room and went to her makeup stand, where she did a really basic makeup,  just enough to cover my blemishes, and dusted my face, neck, and arms with a nude-powder. She tied my hair up into an elegant ponytail and quickly curled the ends. She covered my lashes with mascara and painted my lips with a clear, faintly pink lip gloss.

"There! Oh! Y/N~Chan looks beautiful!" she sang, clapping her hands together excitedly.

I blushed from the compliment and turned to face the mirror. "Wow! I..." I couldn't see the burn scars... "I look amazing! Thank you, KC!" I sobbed, wanting to hug her and I felt the urge to cry form in my throat and I honestly would have if I haven't just had my makeup done.

She giggled again. "No problem! Now go get those photos done!" she said and gave me a light push. 

My golden heels clacked against the floor as I made my way over to a green screen, where a large group of people was clustered together. I saw Garroth - or rather, the Beast's - head protruding from the crowd, detailed, menacing horns jutting out of his skull, and fur, matted, tangled, braided in random places, though still portraying a royal demeanor. I walked over to him and laughed.

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