Chapter 22

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Aaron's POV

The lodge is not what I remembered it to be.

Of course, after years of it being abandoned, I shouldn't have expected it to look like my childhood memories of the building grand and lit up, people everywhere, laughing, talking.

Now, it's dim, the windows boarded up, and the wind whistled through holes in the walls. None of us were overall impressed with the place.

"This place is a total dump," Lucinda muttered, placing her hands on her hips.

"I don't understand. Our parents said this place was fantastic!" Garroth said, glancing up at the large wooden building in front of us.

I shoved my hands in my pockets in an effort to keep them warm. "Judging by the look of things, this place was fantastic, but... that was years ago," I growled and scuffed the ground with my boot. "See why I thought this entire thing was fishy?"

"It... did sound too good to be true, Garroth," Kim said gently.

"Yeah, but... I dunno, it sounded awesome to get paid to vacation," he replied, taking a few steps towards the lodge. 

I rolled my eyes. "Garroth! We are not vacationing; Our parents said to fix things up." 

Garroth looked down, clearly disappointed that his week-long getaway plans were ruined. 

Lucinda smirked and flipped her hair.

"Well, nothing a few potions can't take care of and-" she stopped short, a bit of color draining from her face. "Wait, wait... where is my potion bag?" she exclaimed, charging through Garroth and Kim to check the luggage that was nested into the snowy ground. I walked over to the car and popped the trunk, but nothing was there. 

"I-I didn't see any other bags in the car," Kim whispered. "Maybe you forgot to bring it?" she suggested.

Lucinda let out an agitated growl, her brow furrowing deeply. "There's no way I forgot to bring it... I probably put it on the ground when we were packing the car and accidentally left it there... yeah!" she breathed, trying to calm herself down.

I felt kind of bad for her. Lucinda has an amazing talent for potion making, and she never feels more at home than with her spells and such. If she had more time, she would have been able to easily make the counter-potion for the Curse-Eyes spell. 

My gut wrenched. Just thinking about that made me want to be sick. I couldn't do anything for anyone. I couldn't. 

"It's okay Lucinda," Garroth reassured, his voice pulling me back to reality. "We can get you a new bag."

Lucinda scoffed. "Ugh! That's not the point! My wand and potions are in there."

"Is it hard to make potions? Where would you even go to get the ingredients?" Kim questioned. "I didn't see any stores on the way here..." 

Garroth walked away, more interested in the large cabin before us.

Lucinda sighed again. "I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions but... it won't be easy with the lack of civilization."

I glanced up at the lodge. "Regardless. I heard about your cleaning potions from Dante, and I'd rather we don't use those here. I'd like to fix up the place ourselves, and not have everything disappear, and then reappear in the neighbor's backyard."

I take back what I said earlier. Lucinda has an amazing talent for potion making except when it comes to cleaning potions.

Lucinda folded her arms and pouted.

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