Chapter 23

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Tatiana's POV

The explosion sounded, startling my pack. 

They howled loudly, but quieting them would do no good. 

So I let them as I watched the smoke billow out of the shattered windows. 

Once the smoke cleared, we charged forward. The door busted open with ease. I sent the two larger wolves in before me, me following behind, and left the others outside to stand guard. 

I watched the duo closely, and quickly, their ears perked and stared off down a murky hallway. My breathing slowed and I concentrated. 

Faint groaning and coughing could be heard. A loud swear, and a thud. A yelp from a girl scream something. A name. Garroth.

My wolves were now completely facing the hallway, growling deep in their chest. My heart dropped. My brothers were not made for evil, but here they stand, ready to hunt down those who are innocent. 

Quiet voices and shuffling came from the hall, and with every other step, a heavy thunk. Someone was limping, most likely the man named Garroth, considering the girl's scream. 

The metallic scent of blood filled my nose and my heart dropped again. That explosion dealt more damage than I realized. 

I could hear the group coming closer, and I signaled my wolves to ignore them, to continue looking. I wasn't going to leave these people unknowing to what they are up against. Who they are up against. One, I know, is Aaron Lycan, who is not human, and can most definitely sense us. 

I let him.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw them creep around the corner and duck behind some boxes, a blond man hanging off of someone who could only be Aaron Lycan. I took in a breath. I could hear their panicked talk, unsure of what to do.

My pack continued to sniff and lurk, and I tried my hardest to keep them away from the group, but they are animals, not werewolves, and though I am one of them, they are not mine now.

Someone sneezed.

My breath caught in my throat as my wolves whipped around, growling menacingly. They crept ever closer to the crates. 

Unsure of what to do, I snapped my fingers and drew their attention to me. We can't stay here much longer, or Ein will soon take control of my wolves and bid them to attack if he knows where the group is hiding.

The wolves whined and walked towards me and out the door to wait. I stared after them as they left, and before I did so myself, I turned my head towards the group who was peering over the boxes and flashed my emerald green eyes.

With that, I turned on my heel and walked out.


Aaron's POV

Lucinda staggered back and fell, breathing heavily, her eyes tearing up.

"LUCINDA!" I shouted, picking her head up. Her hand clawed to my arm and she stared into my eyes, terrified, and unable to speak.

"Lucinda what's wrong?" I asked hurriedly. 

Her breathing turned into gasps as she began to sob. "H-h-"

I stared at her intently, clutching onto her body. "Lucinda!"

"HER EYES!" she yelled, sobbing. "HER EYES WERE LIKE MINE!" 

Green eyes... 

Cursed eyes... 

A forever potion...

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