Chapter 19

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Aphmau's POV

My legs turned to jelly. Oh Irene, what now?

I nodded and swallowed in an attempt to get rid of the sudden dryness in my mouth. "Sure... c-come in," I muttered, pulling the door back more to let my friend in. He walked over to the couch and sat down, immediately taking his laptop out of the shoulder bag. I locked the door and walked over to him, settling down on the cushion to his left.

"So... what is it you wanted to tell me?" I questioned. He clicked open his internet browser and immediately, several tabs popped up. 

"I know you don't want to talk about her, but it's important," he said. I didn't need him to elaborate to know he was talking about Y/N. I swallowed again, glancing at the blank TV screen where I had just previously seen the news report. 

He clicked to another tab and turned the computer to me. Ena's prison profile was pulled up. "How did you-?" I started, but Zane cut me off with a shake of his head. "Ro'Meave connections," he stated bluntly. He pointed at the screen. "Read her information," he instructed. 

I peered down at the words, going over every detail. Most I already knew, like her birthday and name, but what shocked me the most was her background information. She had grown up in the lower-class parts of Phoenix Drop with her mother ever since her father was killed in a fire from their previous house. She attended Phoenix Drop Public Highschool and graduated early as a valedictorian. She was supposedly missing for most of her high school years, but it was later revealed that her mother made the report after going crazy and claimed that she couldn't see her daughter. The school said that Y/N had been attending the high school every day, and she wasn't missing. The sad truth was that her mother had gone insane, claiming to be seeing ghosts and demons and refusing to sleep and eat. Doctors say it was most likely from the loss of her husband and the physical damage done to her and Y/N in the house fire.

I frowned. "I knew she was a missing person for a while... but... Y/N didn't show any traumatic symptoms... or tell us anything about her being missing." I bit my lip, "You know... now that I'm thinking about it, she never really told us much about her past. Poor thing, I don't blame her." I immediately internally-scolded myself for feeling bad about the criminal. She had it coming.

Zane nodded. "I know. I found that strange as well. But what's really weird, is this." He turned the computer back to him and clicked onto another tab. When he turned the screen back to me, I noticed it was a historian site. I twisted my lips at the sight of the title: Phoenix Drop History.

I shrugged. "What's special about this?" I asked. Zane scrolled down and stopped at a picture of a portrait of a woman in a black dress. Below it, written in very fine print, was Ena J. Quill.


Your POV

Michi and I trooped through the thick snow, down the mountain, through the trees, to a series of caves. Every so often on the trek to the caves, Michi would gasp or finch, as if she were in pain. Once we were inside a cave littered with broken tools and buckets and skeletons, I grabbed her shoulder to keep her from moving any further.

"Stop," I said sternly. She whipped around quickly, ripping my hand off her. "Don't touch me!" she snapped. I didn't respond to her attitude. 

"Why do you stay here?" I whispered, making sure to keep eye contact. Michi's eyes widened slightly, but she stayed silent. "Michi," I pried. She shot me a nasty glare and turned on her heel and limped deeper into the cave.

"Michi, they're obviously hurting you!" I exclaimed, running in front of her to block her path. "This isn't a better life, Michi. They're torturing you," I whispered, pointing at her blackened feet. She sucked in a deep, angry breath. 

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