Chapter 11

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Seven o'clock came fast. I did my research on Ena Quill, but all I found were missing person reports, a picture of her in the local newspaper, the clipping of her that Zane showed me, to be exact, and several search results for some religious historian sites.

 I learned a few things about her, though. Apparently, her mother went bonkers and checked into an asylum. Unfortunately, her mother killed herself and Ena then vanished from the face of the earth. Her father had died when she was little in a massive fire that started at their neighbor's house, then only spread to the rest of the neighborhood. She was valedictorian of her graduation year at Phoenix Drop High, just like me. Nothing too useful, though it was strange that she seemed to be friends with all of the people I'm friends with now, yet I don't remember her.

I met Kacey first, then Katelyn through him, but I never hung out with anyone else except them and eventually the Shadow Nights after being forced into joining. But despite all that, I never really had more than one conversation with any of Kacey or Katelyn's friends. I was quite the introverted edgy teen.

I printed out what I could, but honestly, this girl isn't just going to drive Zane into insanity. She's making me crazy as well. 

I leaned back in my chair and looked at the digital clock on my bedside table and shot to my feet. It was 6:59 pm. I promised Zane I'd be back at his house at seven. I grabbed my sweatshirt, phone, and the printed out documents and photos and bolted out the door. I ran across the street and knocked on Zane's door. I heard a few voices inside and footsteps approaching me.

Good, people are showing up. I thought, remembering that several people said they couldn't show.

Aphmau opened the door, her eyes full of worry. "Y/N! You're here," she started, backing up so I could walk in. "Right now it's only Zane, Garroth, Laurance and I," she said with a sigh. 

I nodded. "That's fine, I think Zane just needs help. I don't know why this chick is affecting him so badly, but whatever it is, he's my friend, and I'm going to help him." I said and walked into the small living room. Zane was sitting on the floor with individual stacks of pictures in front of him. Laurance was slouched on the couch with his laptop, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else than here, though he sat up when he spotted me, as if he was suddenly filled with energy. Garroth was in an armchair, sorting through a shoebox full of photos and handing them to Zane accompanied by the names of our friends. He gave me a flushed smile as I walked in then went back to his work.

"Aphmau," he said bluntly, handing the picture down to Zane, who set the polaroid on top of a large stack. "Travis," Zane set the picture on top of a different stack. Aphmau and I made our way to the carpet to sit with Zane. He spotted the papers in my hand and pointed to them.

"What are those?" he asked me. I handed the papers to Zane and shrugged. "I did some research on this Ena Quill person," I said. Zane flipped through the documents, skimming over them. A question threatened to spill from my mouth. I had to let it.

"Why are you so interested in this girl?" I ask. Zane stared at me, his ice blue eyes tired and blank. "She's so familiar," he says after a long moment.

Aphmau's hands pushed on her knees. "What do you mean?" she asked. Zane stared back at the photos. I followed his look and noticed that the photos all had Ena in them. They were sorted by which person she was with, group photos, and individual photos of her. I found it strange that Zane was so suddenly interested in something he never bothered looking through. What made him so interested in the dusty scrapbook? 

Zane finally spoke. "I don't know what I mean, exactly. Don't any of you find it weird that she is in every photo? It's like that scrapbook was dedicated to her, yet none of us remember her. Don't any of you find that odd? Creepy, even?" he asked, his crazy very visible now. His wide eyes made me scoot back, frowning uncomfortably at my friend. Something changed, he isn't okay. Nausea coursed through me and my face heated up with anger.

I stood up and squared my shoulders. "You're letting this missing person get to you too much, Zane. She could be dead for all we know! The reports said that she vanished after her mother died. Her father died when she was little in a house fire. Maybe all of that drove her over the edge and she killed herself. I don't know why you're getting so paranoid over her! Let it be! If the police closed the case, then why should you keep diggin' into information that you know nothing about!" I yelled my voice, gradually getting louder, worry for my friend and anger for his stupidity spilling out.

Zane frowned and stood. "Oh, and you know so much about her? Is that it?" he yelled, his crazy eyes squinting as his face formed a snarl.

"Like you do!" I yelled back. "Zane, the only things we know about her are the things on that stupid newspaper clipping, and the things I found on the internet!"

 Aphmau stood and gently pushed Zane back onto the floor. I took in deep, heaving breaths as I stared down at the pictures of this stupid, stupid girl. I wanted to scream. I wanted to punch something. Instead, I stubbornly sat back onto the floor, trying to keep the anger from boiling over. 

We continued to sift through the photos and internet reports for another hour in complete silence, asides from Garroth muttering someone's name and the taping of Laurance's keyboard. 

I didn't have much to do, so I stuck to looking through all the stacks of photos. I refrained from looking at Zane, and vice versa. I was beginning to regret my little outburst, but I'm getting fed up with this mystery girl. But to be honest, I don't know what happened to me. I just snapped. 

Laurance was looking at internet reports and photos of her until he suddenly sat upright. I looked at him who was holding his computer screen with both hands so strongly I was sure the device was going to break. He looked at me, then back down, then at me again before clambering down next to me, computer in hand. Everyone else was just watching his sudden movements, and frankly, he was starting to scare me. 

He held the computer next to my face for everyone else to see, except me. "Look!" is all Laurance said. After everyone looked at the screen then my face then back again, their jaw dropped. Getting angry, I pulled the computer to my lap to see what was so special. My reflection stared back at me, until I realized, no. This isn't my reflection...

"Holy mother of Irene," Garroth said, standing up and walking over to me. He got on his knees and grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me. "Garroth!" I whined. 

"You're Ena Quill!" he yelled.

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