Part 1

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A/N: Hey guysss! I'm so excited for you's to read this fan fic about the beautiful Edmund Pevensie. I've never really felt confident with my other stories until this one. I hope you's enjoy the first part of my story!!

How can a teenage girl from Scotland stumble into a whole different world just by slamming her bedroom door? She thought she was on drugs but that possibly couldn't be true, she's never touched an illegal high in her life.

Maybe she was dreaming. Although, everything looked so real. The tall trees with patches of light breaking free through the branches. The soil beneath her trainers felt so real and the smell of the air and breeze that was passing her also felt so real. Could she possibly be dreaming if she could touch the ground and lift the dirt and feel it's earthiness fall through her fingers? Or maybe pinching her self could convince herself that she wasn't dreaming.

So, Sasha did. She pinched her skin under her arm hard and yelped straight away rubbing the sore spot quickly. She hasn't woken from her dream, maybe this place is real.

Sasha began to walk slowly forward. Confusion and wonder radiated off of her, finding a wood in her bedroom is shocking, to be honest, shock is an understatement.

However, walking through the forest somehow made her happy and made her feel peaceful. Like everything wrong with the world was put right and she didn't have to worry about anything. The serenity made her want to twirl in circles like a ballerina and dance to the sound of the trees and the birdsong that played so fruitfully in the air.

She continued to walk but then she heard rumbling. It disturbed her moment of happiness, it didn't match the beautiful harmonies of the forest. Sasha stopped and listened, the rumbling was getting louder.

She looked hard ahead of herself and seen figures running through the trees. Her eyes widened when she seen they were giant dogs? No, wolves and horses but she had to double stare when she seen they had bodies of humans. Sasha began to run as fast as her short legs could carry her. Panic surging through her body as she heard yelling in the distance.

"Get her!" She heard a low powerful voice yell which only motivated Sasha to run faster.

She didn't know where she was going as long as it was the opposite directions of these strangers. She heard howling and they were close, she also heard panting closely behind her but she didn't dare look back.

Sasha came across a river and headed for it as she thought she would loose them in there. As she dived into the water a wolf grabbed the bottom of her leggings and a second wolf clamped onto her wrist. Sasha yelled, not in pain as she didn't even noticed she was hurt yet, she yelled in fear and panic as the wolves dragged her onto the sandy beach. More and more wolves joined them and surrounded her baring their teeth.

"Enough" a deep voice said firmly. The wolves separated and the wolves who had pulled her out the water had let go and stepped back. Sasha began to feel the pain in her wrist as she noticed a red substance from the corner of her eye. Her eyes widened when she seen her injury and she quickly held it, applying pressure. She looked up and seen the half horse half man standing tall in front of her.

"Who are you, Daughter of Eve?" His low voice spoke as he stared at Sasha. She couldn't think of anything to say at first as the sheer shock and disbelief washed over her. This cannot be real.

She was familiar with these creatures. She had read stories that included Centaurs and other mythical creature, How can she even call them mythical when there is a centaur standing clear as day right in front of her?

"Why should I tell you? I don't know you" Sasha spoke with rudeness in her voice. Although she felt scared, she wouldn't admit it nor show it.

The creature narrowed his eyes on Sasha "I need to know who you are so I can determine if you are a threat or not" he answered.

"My name is Sasha"

"How did you get here, Sasha?" The centaur asked and she stared blankly back.

"I'm not too sure" she shook her head and then winced as her wrist began to throb.

The centaur looked at Sasha and sighed. "Arkin, we'll take the girl back to Cair Paravel and when we get there may you please take her to the infirmary to get her injury seen to?" His low voice spoke as a black wolf stood up.

"Certainly" it said and Sasha's eyes widened with surprise as animals can't talk, but that one did.

The half horse half man extended out his hand to Sasha who looked at it confused. "Come on" he spoke low and after a few hesitant moments passed Sasha took its hand and with no trouble at all she was swung around onto its back.

As they came closer to the beautiful castle Sasha's mouth agape as she stared at the magnificent building in front of her. They stopped at the castle doors and the centaur helped her off of his back and they entered the castle.

Sasha walked slowly beside the centaur, tightly holding her wrist which was extremely painful. Quite a bit of blood has been lost and she was beginning to feel light. The hooves echoed throughout the walls and Sasha shivered as she was still wet from the river.

"Arkin, take her to the infirmary and I'll speak to the Kings and Queens" the centaur said and he walked off.

"Certainly, Adonis" Arkin spoke as the centaur, who Sasha figured his name was Adonis, began to walk away.

After that Sasha began to follow the black wolf down the hall. The walk was silent but what do you talk about with a wolf? Sasha definitely hasn't spoken to a wolf before.

"Where am I?" Sasha spoke quietly as they walked. The wolf never looked at her but replied anyway.

"You are in Cair Paravel the home of the Kings and Queens of Narnia" The wolf spoke. Sasha remembered his name as Arkin.

"Narnia? What is that?" Sasha asked curiously as they turned a corner.

"Narnia is the whole kingdom you are in"'Arkin spoke with a grunt as they came to a door and Arkin nudged the door open with his nuzzle.

Standing at a desk was a she-dwarf who was reading something. She turned around and her eyebrows raised when she seen Sasha and they raised even more when she seen her injured wrist.

"Sir Arkin, who is this... girl?" The dwarf spoke as she hopped off of the chair she was standing on.

"A daughter of Eve who we found in the wood alone. She got injured as we were pulling her to safety so may you tend to her injury?" Arkin asked and Sasha scoffed when he said 'pulling her to safety'.

"Yes of course. Come on girl, lay on this chair" the dwarf said as she pointed to a chair which reminded Sasha of the dentist, causing her to shudder. Sasha lay in the chair, still gripping tightly to her wrist. Both her arms were covered in blood and her blue jumper she was wearing was also soaked in blood too. The dwarf readied a needle and thread and Sasha gulped when she seen it.

"Not a fan of needles?" The dwarf asked as she looked at Sasha. She then began to roll Sasha's sleeve up a bit higher so she could see it better.

Sasha shook her head as she seen the needle go closer to her skin, she wanted to coil her arm away from the dwarf but she struggled to move her arm.

"The quicker you're patched up the quicker you speak to the Kings and Queens." Arkin spoke and Sasha squeezed her eyes shut as the dwarf began to stitch up her arm. In her world you'd get some sort of numbing gel or atleast some painkillers, but she wasn't in her world anymore, she's in Narnia.

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