Part 28

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A/N: Hello! See I kept my promise, there's not much long left of this story which is crazy to think. But I hope you enjoy this part and have a good day ;)

There was barely anything said when they arrived back to Cair Paravel that night. Peter and Susan insisted that Sasha should go get some rest while the three siblings discuss things with their council. Sasha easily obliged wanting to be left alone anyway.

Usually Arkin would comfort her in this sort of situation, and that thought rested heavy on her shoulders for a while. As she lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, she let the tears fall.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should've done something, fought for him more. His death is my fault!

She wiped her eyes viscously as the thoughts in her head grew louder.

Hours had passed, dried tear stains on her cheeks and no sleep nearing her. Three soft knocks came from the door before someone entered.

"You awake, Sasha?" She mumbled a yes as she sighed in content. It was Edmund.

He walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed. He was dressed in his nightwear and looked like he didn't sleep either.

"I can't stop thinking about it," Sasha muttered as her lip began to quiver, "h-he didn't deserve to-to die because of-"

Edmund shushed her, shuffling up the bed further to wrap his arm around her. "He didn't deserve it and I'm heart broken to lose Arkin but this was not your fault. There was nothing we could've done."

"I should've fought for him!" Sasha let out frustratedly, not with Edmund but frustrated at herself.

The young king moved away from her slightly, placing his hand on her face - encouraging her to look at him, "if you tried to fight Annabella would've killed you in an instant." Edmund closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again, his eyes glossy, "If Arkin did anything then she would've killed him, in the end Arkin would've ended up dead. He was-was weak and knew what he was doing, he sacrificed himself so we all could live." Edmund said saddened as he missed his soldier who was also his greatest friend.

Sasha was silent. Of course Arkin would put others first, he's the reason she's alive, the reason they're all alive. She couldn't help still feeling guilty though.

"Now, stop blaming yourself, Sash." A smile spread on his face as he began to get up but Sasha quickly grabbed his arm.

"Can, uh, can you stay, please? I don't want to be alone," she whispered. Edmund stilled for a moment, staring blankly at her. Butterflies were going crazy in his stomach, thanking Aslan for it being dark so Sasha couldn't see his blush. Eventually, he nodded and Sasha made room for him on the bed.

He climbed in and Sasha made herself comfortable, her head resting on his chest and Edmund's arm wrapped around her.

They were both blushing like mad but happy either way.

"Ed?" Sasha mumbled. He hummed in response for her to continue. "Thank you for coming back for me."

He was quiet for a few seconds before replying, "i wasn't going to leave you there, I care about you too much."

A smile grew on Sasha's face, her blush deepening. She hugged him tighter before closing her eyes.

A few moments later, just as Edmund was dozing off, he heard a soft, yet shy, "I care about you too." He smiled, those butterflies returning. He leaned down and kissed her head before finally falling asleep.


The Kings and Queens were sat on their thrones on top of the dais, dressed in their finest attire. The hall was filled with Narnians, all crowded around and standing quietly as they stared at their Royals.

Sasha was stood beside Adonis, dressed in a long black dress and her head bowed slightly.

Edmund stood and walked to the centre of the dais. "I assume the news has reached to you but for those who do not know, last night Arkin was murdered by Lady Annabella." A few people gasped, soft mutters circling around the hall. Sasha drooped her head lower, fidgeting with her dress.

"Arkin was a fighter, rather cold sometimes which is one of the reasons why I liked him so much, but he was loyal nonetheless. He was never afraid to speak his mind to me, even if he knew I didn't like it. He did not die in vain, Arkin sacrificed himself so Peter, Susan, Sasha and I could survive. I want it to be known that Arkin's death will be avenged, he was part of our family and always will be and I can't let someone who killed one of my brothers walk freely!" A few cheers in agreement were yelled out.

"We will March, with Arkin in our hearts as we go to avenge his death! Are you with me?!" Edmund yelled as the room erupted in cheers and yells. Many chanted Arkins name as Edmund retuned back to his seat.

Peter rose and took Edmunds previous space in the middle of the dais. Edmund looked round to Sasha, she was already smiling at him. He of course returned her a smile before focusing on peter who silenced the cheering crowd to go over their plan to avenge Arkin's death.

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