A/N: I'm soooo sorry for the amount of time it took me to update. But I finally have and I hope you like this part. I also hope you have an amazing day:)
Everyone's life is difficult. Life would be too easy if there wasn't bad times and even though they are horrible to go through, the outcome in the end is what makes going through the bad worth it.
But what do you do when the bad is so consistent and so brutal? When it feels like there's no escape. What do you do then?
Before Sasha entered Narnia, that's how she felt. Trapped in her own life with no escape. Her family controlled her, even when she was alone she still heard her parents voices in her head. She could never look forward to the good times because there weren't any.
She would only go to her house when she needed to. On the weekdays she would have school and she took as many after school classes as she could. She would also take her time when walking home, she wasn't in a rush to get back, sometimes she would take a detour down to town or a longer way back to her house.
In the weekend she would work in a restaurant and she always asked for extra hours, even if they didn't pay her for them. She didn't care.
But when she had to go home. When she had to face the demon-like people, that's when her troubles really started.
As Sasha walked down the street with music blasting in her ears from her earphones, she could see her basic house coming into view. The loud music drowned out her deadly thoughts, without her music, she would be able to hear them speak to her.
The closer she got to her house the more she began to feel uneasy. She tried to prepare herself to what would happen today, but she found that near impossible because some days her parents would ignore her for no reason. Or some days, if her mum and dad had a hard day at work, they would take it out on Sasha. They wouldn't hit her, they have never ever hit her, but they would speak to Sasha in a way no parent should ever speak to their child. Sasha knew why they spoke so rudely to her, each of her parents hearts had a chunk taken out of them every since Sasha's little sister, Annie, died. Annie was the favourite sibling by far, even though Sasha was the back shadow of the family she didn't mind it much back then, she likes to keep to herself.
Annie was only 13 when she died, she fell into a river when she was out playing, she hit her head on a rock causing her to drown. It was so unexpected, Sasha remembered it all. From the moment the police entered the room to the moment they left. Sasha seen the empty, emotionless look in her mum and dads eyes, she could even hear their heart break. They took their built up emotions out on Sasha, as if she was to blame for her sisters death.
As she walked into her house, she took out her earphones and walked into the living room, to where her mum and dad were sitting on the couch. Her breathing was shaky, but she hid it the best she could because weakness isn't tolerated in her house.
She passed her mum and dads favourite picture of Annie that sat on top of a table with a few candles around it. Sasha glanced at it subtly. Two years Annie has been dead and it has never gotten easier. Sasha constantly wishes that Annie was still alive, that maybe one day she'll spot her ginger hair coming down stairs and then she'll run into the living room. She'll tell them it was a big messed up joke and then they'll go back to living like the way they used to.
But that was just a dream.
As Sasha passed the couch her mum and dad were sitting on, she tried not to make eye contact with them. Her mum glared at her before opening her mouth. "Where have you been?" She said in a very sharp and firm tone.
Sasha stopped and took a step back to face her parents. "I was at after school maths, you already knew this" Sasha spoke in a confident voice and somewhat rudely.
"Less of the cheek" her dad glared.
"We have been sitting here starving for hours waiting for you" her mum spat angrily.
"Well, you never usually wait for me, you should've just made dinner without me" Sasha said bitterly.
Both her mum and dad shot up from the couch angrily, taking dangerous steps towards Sasha."Don't be so disrespectful" her dad roared.
In fright, Sasha stumbled back causing her to bang against something, hurting her back in the process.
A crash was heard after as something fell onto the wooden floor. Sasha didn't need to look at what crashed after she seen the horrified looks on her parents faces, but she looked anyway.
She slowly turned her head to the ground to see the picture of Annie destroyed. She slowly looked back at her parents with wide, apologetic eyes.
"What have you done?" Her mother said in a frighteningly quiet tone as she looked at the broken picture.
"I'm so sorry" Sasha spoke truthfully as she looked between her mum and dad. "I'm so sorry" she repeated. "I didn't mean it"
"Of course you meant it!" Her dad shouted. "Of course you did, you-you planned this. To ruin the only memory of Annie and the only happiness in our lives" he shouted angrily.
Sasha looked over to her mum who was staring right back at her. "You can't think I meant this, mum. I miss Annie as much as you do, please" Sasha pleaded.
"It should've been you" her mum whispered.
Sasha froze. Did she hear that right?
"What?" Sasha spoke weakly.
"It should've been you who drowned! Not Annie" her mum screamed with tears breaking free from her eyes.
Sasha stared at them disbelievingly. Her own mother said that to her and there was no regret after. She slowly backed away from her parents before sprinting off away from them. She ran all the way upstairs towards her room.
As she entered her room, she stood at the door and listened to see if they would come running after her, to apologise. But after a few moments, when Sasha realised they weren't going to say sorry and that they don't care that they've hurt their daughters feelings, she gripped the door tightly.
And slammed her bedroom door shut.

Haunting - Edmund Pevensie
أدب الهواة"You don't know my story, King Edmund," "Nor do you know mine. But I am intrigued to find out." Highest Ranks: #1 in Edmund Pevensie #28 in Narnia #13 in Narnia #1 in Narnia