Part 7

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A/N: Welcome to another part and enjoy. Again if you see the name 'Zoe' ignore it as that is what I originally had Sasha's name be. Have an amazing day:)

It went dead silent when Lucy and Sasha appeared in the group, probably because Sasha caused a small scene on their way there.

The guests looked at Sasha confused but they still had smiles on their faces. Sasha nervously looked at the Kings and Queens and Edmund had a smug look on his face, which of course irritated Sasha.

"Deckard, Clara, Kirk and Annabella. This is Sasha, she's also a guest" Lucy spoke with a smile and Sasha awkwardly smiled and waved.

"Sasha this is the Braxton family, they own a part of Narnia that is beyond the wood" Peter explained and Sasha nodded.

"It's nice to meet you" Sasha spoke shyly.

As Edmund watched them talk he noticed something new about Sasha, she's actually a shy person. Which took Edmund by surprise because when she's around him he hasn't noticed any trace of shyness about her.

"So, Sasha. What part of Narnia are you from?" Deckard Braxton asked Sasha.

Sasha looked at each sibling nervously. "I-um. I'm not from Narnia, I'm from a different world"

"You're not from this realm?" Lady Clara asked shocked and Sasha nodded her head.

"I don't know how I discovered this place but here I am." Sasha breathed out a laugh keeping the story extremely vague.

"You're injured though" Annabella spoke up pointing to Sasha's collar bone.

"Yes, well spotted" Sasha said sarcastically, but she then realised who she was talking to so she continued. "It was an accident, nothing serious" Sasha added with a smile and the girl smiled back.

Sasha made eye contact with Edmund who shook his head slightly at her with a small smirk on his face.

It was silent for a moment or two. "Oh, Deckard, this is a lovely song, dance with me" his wife spoke dragging him to the middle of the ballroom to dance.

Kirk stepped forward and took Lucy's hand. "Care to dance?" He asked politely and Lucy nodded with a big smile on her face, heading to where the Lord and Lady was.

Sasha had a smile plastered on her face as she watched the young queen dance.

Sasha felt someone tap her shoulder and she looked to see Peter with a smile on his face. "Would you like to dance?" He asked her and Sasha's eyebrows raised but she still had a smile on her face.

"It would be my pleasure, your majesty" she smiled as he took her hand and took her to the middle of the room.

The music was kind of fast paced and Sasha had never danced before. Well, unless you count those awkward times in school where you were made to dance in P.E.

Peter placed one hand on her waist and another was locked with her hand. Sasha put her other hand on his shoulder, which looked weird because Sasha is quite short.

"You'll find out that im not a skilled dancer" Sasha laughed as they both began to dance.

"You and me both" Peter replied as he spun her around and Sasha laughed.

They moved around the ballroom dancing and at one point Peter lifted her up and in that moment she noticed Edmund and Annabella dancing together.

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