Part 23

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A/N: hello, sorry for, yet again, another late update. Hopefully I'll be writing more often as it's the summer holidays. But I get a bit distracted with writing this book as I'm currently writing another book and I'm focusing on making it really good, so any BTS army's! Stay tuned for that book! Anywayyy, I hope you enjoy this part and have a wonderful day!!!

Darkness consumed Sasha every time she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Each time she opened her eyes all she could see was black. Her memory was hazy to what had happened that caused her to be unconscious and unable to see anything.

The sudden pain in the back of the head reminded her though.

The keys shook in Sasha's hand as she attempted to unlock the cell to free Arkin but she kept failing due to her nervousness.

"Come on!" Sasha shrieked frustratedly as she tried to calm herself.

Arkin's head perked up quickly and Sasha froze. "Do you hear something?" Sasha asked nervously as she took an anxious glance behind her.

"I hear faint footsteps coming our way. Please hurry, Miss Sasha." Arkin replied somewhat calmly so he wouldn't panic Sasha anymore.

Sasha only nodded before attempting to calmly put the key in the lock. Sasha froze once again as she started to hear the shouting and footsteps.

She finally unlocked the cell eventually but the loud voices and thudding of footsteps were now making their way down to the dungeon. Before Sasha even had a chance to open the cell for Arkin, something hard was struck on the back of Sasha's head.

She didn't remember anything after falling unconscious. She didn't know if Arkin was with her or if he was dead. She didn't know if the Kings and Queens were okay. She was alone and scared.

Suddenly she felt herself being dragged out of, what must of been, a carriage. She was still regaining her consciousness so everything was hazy to her.

Eventually her blindfold was removed and she was flung onto a hard concrete floor.

As she turned around her eyes were met with bars and a Telmarine guard locking her in the cell.

She couldn't find her voice at first and the Telmarine smirked at her struggle. "What's happening?" She let out weakly as she watched the Telmarine turn his back on her and make his way to the doorway. "Hey!" Her voice was croaky, it probably sounded pathetic to the Telmarine guards.

The Telmarine turned to face her, a wry smile on his face. "I don't have to answer you. You are nothing here. You're nothing but a piece of shit on the end of my boot in Telmar Castle."

The embarrassment crept up in Sasha. But nonetheless, she put on a strong face and let the belittling comments go over her head. "Where am I?"

The guard scoffed. "I've just told you. Telmar Castle." Sasha shook her head blankly, still not knowing where Telmar Castle is. The guard scoffed again, "You are in the Castle owned by The Braxton's."

Her eyes widened at what the guard had just said. Narnia is still so foreign to her, and Cair Paravel was the only thing familiar to her. Even if she was somehow to figure out how to escape, she would have no idea where she was going. Now, with the uneasiness building up in her, she hoped and prayed that the Pevensie's were trying to find her.

Sasha's head snapped towards the guard as she heard him chuckle. "Exactly. The fear you feel is very much normal. Don't go expecting your precious Traitor King is going to come and rescue you." The smug smile never left this guards lips and it infuriated Sasha. With each mocking remark he said just made Sasha want to punch him, until there was no smug look left.

But her attention went back to that phrase. Traitor king.

She had heard it before, when she was rushing out of the ballroom. The Telmarines were murmuring it as Edmund chased after her. Another time was in the lounge with Annabella. She had made a remark about Edmund being a traitor.

"Traitor?" She mumbled under her breath in confusion. Why does that word keep on popping up with Edmund?

The deep chuckle caused Sasha to snap her head up, again. A frown planted on her face as she watched the guard chuckle turn into a laugh. "You don't know? Honestly. Are you even sure you know your king at all?" His smirk was imprinted in her head as he turned away from her and made his way out of the dungeons.

Are you even sure you know your king at all?

The question echoed in her head. It was a hard truth to accept but it was true. Sasha didn't even know about something that was clearly a big part of his past. Most Narnian's always told Sasha that Edmund was cold and reserved before he met her. She even seen a portion of it when she first entered Narnia.

Did his past cause him to turn cold?

Sasha pondered the question for a moment or two. Possibly. But how could she even know? She barely knows anything about Edmund.

She let her back fall against the wall with a loud sigh. "I best get comfy," she mumbled quietly to her self. "I may be here for a while."

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