After what Annabella did, Sasha thought that she'd never set foot in the same room as her. But that wasn't the case as she was sat sipping a cup of tea beside Susan with Annabella on the chair in front of her.
Sasha eyed Annabella carefully. She subtly watched every movement she made, everything that she said. Sasha just wanted to leave but she couldn't. She looked beside her to where Arkin was sat, she stared at him with worried eyes and just wanted him to make an excuse to take her away but all he did was blink slowly as if he was reassuring her.
She gave him a very subtle frown. Sasha didn't even know why she was here. She wasn't going to be Annabella's sister-in-law, so surely there was no reason for her to even be there.
With all these thoughts in Sasha's head she didn't even noticed Annabella and the Queen's conversation die down. Annabella looked at Sasha as if she was solving a puzzle. Susan noticed this and she watched the Lady carefully.
"Miss Sasha" Lady Annabella began which caught Sasha's attention. "I truly do hope that we can put our differences behind us" she said and Sasha tilted her head with a slight frown. "I mean I am going to marry one of the King's and I just don't want any bad feelings to be in the air" she finished off with an enchanting smile.
Sasha was quiet. She wondered if the queens fell for her innocent act, she wondered if they were easily tranced by her charm. Sasha sat up straight before answering. "I think there will always be tension between us ever since you brought up a subject that I wasn't comfortable with. And if you were oblivious to that or not, that doesn't matter. I think all we can do is stay out of each other's way as best we can" Sasha replied maturely with a slight tinge of, perhaps, some dominance.
A fire burned in Annabella's eyes, something only Sasha could see. She could see the rage build up in her and it gave Sasha satisfaction to see that her words angered her.
"I agree" she said somewhat sharply, as if she had forced them words out of her mouth.
Sasha gave her a wry smile, something she new would push Annabella. The fire in her eyes burned more fierce but the innocent smile on her face still stayed.
After a while Annabella left the room. A small silence emerged as the rest of the girls didn't say anything after she left.
"I wonder if the boys are finished. Peter said that they were out in the courts" Lucy said as if she was thinking out loud.
"Shall we go see?" Susan asked with a smile and they all got up to go see the two kings.
As they started to walk to the fighting courts, Susan told Lucy to walk on as Susan wanted to speak to Sasha. Sasha looked nervously to Arkin before looking at Susan.
"I just wanted to tell you that after this was arranged when everyone left the hall at lunch Edmund pulled me aside." She started in a low soft voice as she looked at Sasha. "He told me to lookout for you when around Annabella. Do you know why Sasha?" She asked rhetorically. "Because he cares about you". Sasha stared at Susan for a moment or two.
"Yes, I care about him too" she said with a shrug.
"No, you don't understand. Edmund has never cared for another girl before, he's never connected with anyone as he has with you. Ed is so secluded within himself that not even his own family knows how to make him open up. But he's different with you. Haven't you noticed his behaviour around you since the first day you's met? He was rude and sharp, he frowned constantly but then you both got close and now he's happier. You might not know it yet but perhaps you can sense change in your emotions, you and Edmund have feelings for each other." Susan explained and Sasha was silent for a while. Too many things were racing around in her head and she could hardly comprehend all of it.
She feared her emotions. She feared the concept of love and compassion. She was so used to keeping every emotion that scared her inside, never daring to let them unleash. But as she thought about it, Edmund made her open up about Annie and her parents, something that terrified her most of all. He fought for her.
"I've only known him little over a week" Sasha whispered not making eye contact with Susan.
"And the feelings are strong. You both have connected in a little amount of time." Susan paused as she watched Sasha. "I don't want to worry you. I want to make you aware." Sasha nodded understandingly before they continued their walk to the courts.
The room was dark, the only sources of light were the candles that were scattered about in the room and the blazing log fire.
They sat in one of the lounge rooms that were in Cair Paravel. Painful silence swallowed the whole room as the three bodies sat on one of the couches staring at the figure standing in front of the fire.
She was facing the fire, her arms by her side as she clenched her fists, painting her knuckles white.
She turned around dangerously slow as she faced the people on the couch. The ambers and the reds from the fire contrasted with her beautiful face, making her look fierce and powerful.
"I have a problem" she began in a soft low voice. "My problem is the Barbadian scum that sits in this castle winning the hearts of the Kings and Queens of Narnia" her voice sinisterly smooth.
She took intimidating steps towards her family members. The worry in their eyes were radiating off of their body and it made Annabella sick to the stomach how she could easily sense their weakness.
"And while you sit here and do nothing she continues to speak to me like I am a peasant." She spat her words as if they were poison on her lips.
"What do you propose we do, my darling." Lord Braxton asked politely as his voice shook.
She looked down on him like a piece of filth. "I want you to act nice. Don't let them get more suspicious than they already are. Most of them can be easily manipulated but for the likes of Edmund we need to try harder. He's smart, it will take a lot to manipulate him." She spoke firm.
"And what about Sasha?" Annabella's brother, Kirk, asked.
She slightly flinched at her name. Her cold look became stronger as she looked between her family. "I want her GONE" she yelled. Her family jumped at her sudden rage. "We will do anything to get rid of her. I don't care if we have to tear this palace apart and kill every last one of these Narnian creatures. Even if it comes to war, then so be it. Nothing will come in between me and my plans. Mark my words." Her voice was dangerously low but still clear.
Annabella's chest heaved slightly as the anger burned within her, and that anger will do nothing but grow into a wildfire.

Haunting - Edmund Pevensie
Fanfiction"You don't know my story, King Edmund," "Nor do you know mine. But I am intrigued to find out." Highest Ranks: #1 in Edmund Pevensie #28 in Narnia #13 in Narnia #1 in Narnia