Part 6

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A/N: Hey, I'm going to write some more parts on this because I'm bored as fuck:p. Have an amazing day:)

Sasha lay in a steaming bath that the servants brought for her, one had offered to help her bathe but Sasha declined the offer politely.

After she washed her hair and body, being careful of her injuries, she got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her body as she walked to the wardrobe to pick what she was going to wear.

She had such a selection of colours to pick, she ran her hands through them all and stared at them. As said before, she isn't a dress person, in her world if there was any event that required to wear a dress she wouldn't, she didn't even wear a dress at one of her families weddings. But even Sasha had to admit these dresses were beautiful.

She whipped her head around to the door as someone was coming in. First came in Susan and then Lucy, lastly followed by Arkin.

Sasha smiled at them and then turned to the wardrobe again. "Can someone please help me pick a dress?" She said frustrated. Susan then joined her and she looked at the dresses.

"Aha" Susan said as she pulled out a red dress. "You can never go wrong with the colour red" Susan said with a smile passing Sasha the dress.

"Thank you" replied Sasha with a kind smile.

A wee while later Sasha was changed into the dress and she was letting her hair air dry as the party wasn't for a couple hours.

The girls were just talking on Sasha's bed and Arkin lay on the floor beside them.

"Can I just congratulate you for winning the fight between you and my brother, he was getting more and more cocky with each fight he won" Susan said with an amused smile and Sasha bowed jokingly on her bed. The two Queens laughed loudly as did Sasha.

"He handled it quite well though" Lucy said still laughing slightly.

"You're right, Lu" Susan nodded.

"I expected him to go in a huff" Lucy said as she looked at Sasha. "He must really like you" Lucy then smiled cheekily and Sasha raised her eye brows.

"No no no" Replied Sasha repeatedly shaking her head.

"I think she likes him too" Susan laughed

"Your brother is an annoying human being who is stubborn and he never smiles" Sasha said as she frowned frantically.

"Yeah she likes him" Lucy nodded to her sister.

"I think it's time you's two get ready for the party" Sasha said as she playfully pushed them out of her room. They left in fits of laughter and Sasha closed the door behind her and then leaned against it.

Arkin was looking at her, his head slightly cocked to the side.

"Arkin I know what you're thinking and I promise you I don't like him. I hardly know anything about him so how could I possibly fancy him?" Sasha said to Arkin with a straight face.

"I believe you, Miss Sasha" Arkin said softly and Sasha nodded her head finishing that conversation.

A few hours had passed and the Kings and Queens were in the Ballroom. Servants had set out a big table of Narnian drinks and foods for the guests, a giant chandelier hung from the ceiling and soft instrumental music was playing in the background.

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