Gary Wallace- The Kandy Bar

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I couldn't believe I was there again. 

Four nights in a row I should be having a good time, in my own social category but here I am in The Kandy Bar with a bunch of "senior", intimidating dudes that make you down a particular type of whisky. The one I would try will all my might to avoid that evening. 

I stood in the doorway approximately 6:50 pm, great another 10 minutes before the party started. I was alone, how I preferred to party. Meeting people along the way is better unless it escalates if you know what I mean. 

My black leather jacket secured my khaki dress in pace as it clung uncomfortably to my body. I never had an issue with my body it was just this particular dress that always set me off somehow. My high heeled combat boots surrounding my feet were surprisingly comfortable besides how they looked, but maybe not the best choice for dancing. Though this place looked as if it couldn't even hold a kids disco nevermind a dance party. 

I ordered my drink and sat at a table for a while until people began to gather and I started to loosen up. By the time I had finished my second glass of that damn whisky there were 5 guys around me and a girl, one of them had their arm wrapped neutrally around my shoulders. A thing of comfort? 

We were discussing random shit until we got so drunk that words couldn't come out of any of our mouths anymore. The words that were meant to be spoken were replaced by groans or clicks of the finger. Though the blonde stranger with his arm mysteriously close managed to talk a little to our new found gang. 

"Let me tell you my story man"

That was all I could remember besides stumbling out of the bar with someone close on my heels.


I laid in a bed with an unfamiliar scent. 

The feeling was different and my head felt like it was full of objects, not a good thing I should clarify. The all too familiar hangover had finally hit me over the head along with the curiosity of where I was. Who did I stumble out with? Who's arm was draped around me? 

The numbness in my body refrained me from moving. All I could do was move my head. But that was enough. Enough to see I wasn't alone. Enough to see that the night I couldn't remember , could've been one of the most important nights of my life.

You see there was a slight possibility I could've lost my virginity. The thought occurred when I saw a stranger next to me. One facing me with rather luscious blonde locks that interfered a little with his peaceful face. Not bad. 

I was ashamed and embarrassed but not as embarrassed as I was when he decided to wake up. 

A groan escaped his lips before opening his straining blue eyes. The impact of the whisky hit him as soon as he attempted to move, but he froze when he saw me. His mouth opened in shock before he quickly checked under the covers, god knows what was happening down there. 

"Did we...?", I mouthed gesturing to our naked bodies.

He thought a little trying to remember. 

I sighed of relief when he shook his head. 

He blushed when the sudden realisation that he was in bed with a naked girl came upon him and he blushed. I thought this was cute. Like I was actually falling for the guy. 

"Then how?", I asked confused. How did I end up naked if we didn't even have sex? Though I was always prone to embarrassment when drunk. 

"This", he said before leaning towards me. His lips met mine and my memory regenerated. The tender loving kiss lasted around 10 seconds before we pulled away. Though I could've stayed there for years. 

He held out his hand. 

"I'm Gary"

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