John Bender- Contact

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We're fighting again, louder than usual. 

We probably woke up the neighbours. 

"I know you cheated! Jaxx saw you, you whore!!", John yelled at me his face turning as red as his plaid shirt. 

I gasped and clenched my teeth. I was fed up of not sticking up for myself, I lost it. 

"What about you then John huh? You going around fucking some slut off of the street just like your Dad", I sneered walking closer and closer to him. His nostrils inflaming from the words he's hearing. I knew I was in for it. 

"You know John no matter what you say or what you do, you're exactly like your dad. A lying cheating prick!", I screamed pointing at my significantly taller opponent. Not one ounce of fear flew through my body. That was until I felt his hand collide sharply with my cheek. My head flung to the side. It stung. Emotionally. 

I touched my cheek with my hand, tears stinging my eyes. 

"I rest my case"

I had been hit before but it was different coming from him. The love of my life had just hit me, and it hurt like a bitch. even though he promised he wouldn't. 

My gaze raised from the floor to the face of John Bender. His face filled with anger but his eyes filled with regret. I backed away from him, hoping to get out of this house. I needed space. 

He tried to lift his arm to stop me but I flinched. He could see what he had become. He burst into tears, the last thing I thought I Would ever see my boyfriend do. 

My head lowered like mine previously and his shoulders shook with every tear that escaped. My hatred softened. I understood but it was still wrong. It was all he knew all his short life, all he saw. He thought it was right. 

"John", I spoke not softly but not too angry either. 

He lifted his head to reveal his hurt face. He was scared of himself. I flinched when he did this too. It reminded him of his encounter with Vernon in the closet the first time we met in detention. 

"Look-", he began reaching out to me. 

"I don't want to hear it, John, I get it. That's all you saw growing up, it's all you've ever known. I understand that", he sighed with relief as he heard my words. I could see he was also scared. 

"But, if you EVER touch me like that again, you will fucking regret it do you hear me?", I said getting closer to him. My angry breath blowing onto his face. His eyes widened in fear as I threatened. 

"I'm going to bed", I said walking to our shared room. 

"I'll see you when we come in"

I left him there.


I felt the bed sink as John joined me in between our soft sheets. 

I was still debating whether or not I wanted to turn to him, touch him. I don't think I could yet. I was surprised I even let him sleep in the same bed afterwards. 

After half an hour of laying there wide awake, I turned around and laid on his chest. Him in the exact state as I. 

I felt his heartbeat quicken due to the earlier events and his chest moving harshly up and down. 

"I'm sorry", he whispered tracing light circles on my arm as it lay comfortably on his chest. Goosebumps followed my moan of comfort making his smile to himself.

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