Ponyboy Curtis- Library

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Heads turned as I swiftly walked through the main entrance of the district library. 

"What the hell is a greaser doing here?" I heard someone mutter. Dull Socs. 

"It's free things man, what do you expect?"I heard another reply. 

"It's a good thing she's hot. I would waste her otherwise." I scoffed. Like they would have the guts. 

The collar on my denim jacket stood higher than my dignity. You may be wondering like the others, what is a greaser girl doing in a library? Well, the truth is I love to fucking read. I've loved to read since I could and I had to deal with it all by myself. The others in the gang wouldn't understand except for Ponyboy but not even he knew. I hid it well. 

I secretly wished I didn't have to sneak around like this but if I didn't I would be "wasted". Society is cruel, man.

My delicate fingers skimmed the shelves of books that sat on the dusted shelves. The colourful covers screamed my name and danced together in my mind. Names of famous authors followed me on whatever corner I turned and chased me playfully. 

Could you imagine what the others would think? Precisely. 

I've been taught not to listen to any one else's opinions but it's so damn hard sometimes. I silently railed to myself before one book caught my eye. Gone With The Wind. It was strangely familiar to me when I remembered Ponyboy reading it in his room. I was walking past his room when I saw him tranquilly reading it. His gorgeous eyes regarding every word. His lips curled upwards in an occupied smirk. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the book again. Literature was my drug. I sound like a nerd...

My rolled up sleeved reached for the book gradually. My eyes looking at the novel once more. It all seemed clear now I was in awe. The name Margaret Mitchell came closer and closer until...

Another hand brushed against mine. 

The hand was soft and in the exact same position as mine. We turned to look at each other then retreated swiftly. Ponyboy himself. My face turned a dark crimson as the boy scratched his neck awkwardly. He then realised who he was standing next to. Y/N the strongest girl in Tulsa. 

"I never thought I'd see you here", He smirked with a twinkle in his eye. I turned around embarrassed facing away from him. 

"Yeah, can it ponyboy alright? I just got lost.." I murmured feeling hurt and humiliation rise into the pit of my stomach. My worn converse shifted inelegantly. 

"Hey", he said turning me around to meet him. He pulled me into a hug and I could feel myself melting into him. His hand massaging my back. It astounded me how many encounters I'd had with that hand already. 

"Why didn't you tell me you liked to read?", He questioned softly into my greased hair. 

"I knew you guys would make fun of me and call me a nerd and I didn't feel like being humiliated." I moaned into his shoulder, I could feel my eyes starting to get heavy with sorrow and tears began to prick them. 

He pulled me away to look at him and he dried my tears with his thumb. He smiled, arms on my shoulders holding me steady. 

I looked up at him and he grinned. 

"Do I look like a nerd to you?", he taunted shaking me a little while I chuckled. 

"Yeahhhhh", I laughed. 

"Do not" he scoffed mock offended. 

"Do too!!" I exclaimed. 

We started play fighting in the middle of the library. Turns out the others were shocked by how smart I was and they thought it was cool. Darry and Ponyboy couldn't have been happier. 

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