Wyatt Donelly- Notch in the Bedpost

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Re-written as original was in bad taste. I apologise for any harm caused by the original story and am checking the rest for similar issues. Thank you. 

"Hilly I love you!"

He was here again. 

It was 1 am and just like clockwork another one of my sister's victims were calling outside the house, declaring their undying love for her while guzzling their father's bourbon. This had happened ever since she got tits and I still wasn't used it. 

I mean what the hell were they thinking? That she suddenly would realise they weren't a complete waste of time and answer them? Come on. 

It wasn't as if I was sleeping anyway but it was the principle of being dragged into my sisters crap involuntarily, again. But that wasn't to say I didn't feel bad for them. Some of them had pretty nice cars and clothes but this one was getting a little desperate. 

"Hilly!" I called out to her hoping the walls were thin enough to tell her to sort out her life before I beat the crap out of it. 

But, no answer. 


With a huge huff, I threw off my sheets, hating the cold night against my once warm skin and stomped to my sister's room only to find an empty bed and a strategic pillow pretending to be her asleep. 

Of course, she wasn't in. 

"Oh you're such a bi-"

"Hilly, baby! I love you!"

Enough was enough I decided and before I knew it, I was unlocking the front door grateful that my parents weren't home so that they didn't have to witness this mess. 

"She's not here," I snapped to the boy in the shadows before me "Get out of here before you embarrass yourself. She doesn't want you, she dumped you for a reason. Get over it."

He had an innocent face, kind of familiar too. Maybe I had caught him making out with her or something in front of the house. Hilly doesn't like to invite boys in, gives them the wrong impression she says. 

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Is she home?" his soft voice asked pleadingly, a little more sincere than the bullshit he was letting out before. 

He was a little nerdy for Hilly, not her usual type anyway. I was surprised that he was more my type than hers but he was still pretty cute. Pretty. He has a nice smile. 

"No, she's not, another party another guy," I mocked, eyes rolling in distaste. I didn't like to judge my sister but I did it anyway. I was pretty sure if I was as popular and free as she was I would be doing the exact same things. 

His face dropped slightly at the idea of the shining love of his life with another guy. I felt bad for him. Maybe he wasn't like the others and needed a little more care. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. If it helps you're the nicest one," I try with a weak smile, feeling a little insecure in the silence with my baggy pyjamas. Oh my god, there's a stain!

On this school night maybe it was the thrill of being alone with a boy for the first time in years, the fact that I actually got to know one of my sister's lost puppies or even the fact that his lips were glowing in this light but I really wanted to get to know him, on the couch, preferably on top of him. 

"Thanks for your help. I should've known," he laughs to himself turning away while shaking his head. 

My heart ached for him. This was different. 

"Wait! Are you alright?"

It took him a moment which told me he wasn't 'alright' at all. How could she keep doing this? Leading guys on and then throwing them away like leftover pizza. It wasn't right. When will she realise that not all guys were like Ian? The sooner the better for all of us, including my sleep schedule. 

"I...I'm not sure. I told myself that I would do whatever it takes to keep her, I thought that who I was didn't matter. At least that's what she said. I'm not delusional I know I'm not her type, I knew we wouldn't last forever. I just didn't think forever was this soon."

My ice caps were melting. If I didn't do something I would be a puddle of nothingness on the floor weeping with sympathy for this kid, this actually good looking charming kid who thinks he's nothing. It sounded very familiar, too familiar. It was like looking in a mirror. 

"Hey. You'd wanna see some of the chumps I have to deal with around here. They're awful. This one guy a few months back pissed all over our rose bush saying how love isn't real or whatever. It still stinks now," I said lightly making him laugh, if I could make him forget for just a second that would do for me. 

He had a nice laugh too. 

"My point is you're no victim here. You're different. I can see why she chose you." 

My cheeks flushed as he grinned at my compliment. Thank goodness for the dark. What was I doing? This guy was heartbroken and now I was moving in to try and what- fix him? No way. 

"I'm Wyatt," he waves, that grin finally spreading to his eyes as he actually looks at me for the first time. 

"Y/n. The sister."

"Nice to meet ya," he turns back to his car, broad shoulders facing away from me a little less slumped than when he got here. 

"You too," I replied sadly knowing I wouldn't see him again. But who was I kidding? I don't even know this guy-

"Hey. This might sound a little weird considering the circumstances but are you by any chance...free tomorrow?" Wyatt bit his lip with anxiety already expecting the worst I was sure. 

Did he really not see what I was seeing?

"I am now."

"Great!" he exclaims a little making my heart jump "Um, I mean cool yeah. I'll pick you up at 6?"

"6 is perfect," I laugh at his nerdiness. 

He nods bitting his smile away making me flush even harder. He wasn't just cute anymore, he was really cute. 

"Are you sure you want to go- cause I mean I know that-"

"Wyatt," I stop him putting my hand on his shoulder. "You're hot. Own it."

His eyes are wide, unable to digest what I just said and honestly I couldn't either. Where did that come from? Could I find it again??

"Right," he exhales shocked "Owning it. See you tomorrow beautiful."

Oh most definitely.

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