Duckie Dale- Saved By The Bell

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I was covering for Andie at 'Trax' since I knew she needed the money, heaven knows she needed it. Since I was in a particularly generous mood that day, I decided to cover while she went on a date with her human bank account. 

Here I was sitting at the desk like Andie ordered me to do, flicking through her art book seeing some of her designs. She was quite talented in terms of designing though her art could do with a bit of work since I was majoring in art, I decided I would help her out. 

The odd customer would snap me out of my drawing so I could serve them but overall it was pretty quiet, especially since it was 4 pm and kids would be grabbing milkshakes with their girlfriends and pals and talking shit about other people. I wasn't one of them, I preferred to go to the bar with Andie, Iona, Simon and Jena. They were such a laugh. 

I smiled to myself as good memories flew back into my head, though there was always this guy that Andie talks about during our occasional shifts together. What was his name? Goose? Something like that anyway. She was always prodding me saying that I had to meet him, but I still hadn't to that day, though he sounded like a character. He can't be that interesting, right?

An alarm interrupted my thoughts and since I was alone, it was in my hands. I ran to the back room door and met the face of The Smiths' poster that hung neatly on it. I whistled as I saw Morrisey's exposed chest before opening the door. The first thing I heard when I opened it, besides the splitting alarm noise was a voice yelling.

"HI ANDIE HOW WAS YOU-" the yelling stopped as soon as I turned the light on. I saw a speechless boy standing innocently at the desk wearing Teashades, a white shirt and an army sort of blazer. His hair was fluffed up on top of his head and it sat under a hat that I couldn't see very clearly. 

I swallowed as soon as I saw how cute he was. He removed his glasses to get a better look. The fact that the alarm was still blaring snapped me out of my trance and I darted towards the system turning it off. 

"Did you do this?" I asked sort of angrily. I was frustrated since this kid had done it for no reason. I stood opposite him, giving him a glare even though I didn't mean it at all. 

"Well I'm not sure I mean I was just using your powder room and I decided not to disturb Andie so I was gonna go out the back door but I guess I must've touched something," He said in a sarcastic innocence.My glare intensified.

"Well, how did you even get in here kid?" I asked confused how a guy like him could make it in here unnoticed. I mean it wasn't as if he was inconspicuous now was he?

"Are you mad?" He asked shyly while grinning. This was all a big joke for him, wasn't it?

"Yes I'm mad there are public bathrooms all over the place!" I said clearly touching my bringing forehead as my head began to pulsate. 

"I'm not 9, I know that It's just that it's the end of the month! They're out of toilet seat covers!" He fought back. I patted my foot impatiently against the stone floor and I could practically feel the dust travelling up my nose. 

"I don't have any place to go, I like coming here now excuse me very much" He confessed or at least tried to. I searched through the drawers of this place looking to see if he'd stolen anything but keeping a close eye on him too. 

"Look I'm sorry or getting mad at you but I gotta get out front okay?" I said apologetically suddenly feeling so regretful for barking at the guy like that. 

I headed back out to the front to see no one there, not a single person around. I breathed in relief until I heard the alarm bell again. I stormed back into the room to see the same guy there again. He must've been in love with me or something. 

"THIS IS A SHITTY ALARM SYSTEM, I OPENED AND CLOSED THE DORR 5 TIMES BEFORE IT CAME ON!" He argued throwing his hands up. I suddenly felt the anger leave me as I switched off the alarm once more and hopefully for the final time. I looked back out front to see no one there, I sighed. 

"Are you busy?" I asked hopefully, the sigh still evident in my voice. He looked up as if he had won one million dollars for a second before asking the dreaded question. 

"No, you need some company beautiful?" He asked I could feel my cheeks burning up somewhat. 

He eventually followed me out front and he lay on the counter as I sat back in Andie's chair. We talked about the weirdest crap until it kicked into him that Andie wasn't here. 

"So, erm, where is Andie anyway?" He asked nonchalantly looking down to the stapler he was holding in his hand. 

"Oh, Andie? She's on a date with Blannee" I said mockingly. 

"Blane? His name is Blane? That's a major appliance that's not a name!" He yelled throwing the stapler he was holding across the store. I heard it hit something before I turned to him. I then realised he liked her, he must have deep feelings for her to come here at set the alarm off twice.

"You must really like her man," I said looking through the pile of records next to me. The familiar names of Madonna, Duran Duran, Prince, Tears For Fears me my eyes making me silently approve of this store. 

"Wait...How did you?" He asked before finally giving up. 

"That obvious huh?" 

"Can I give you some advice?"I requested hoping that he would listen to me for his and Andie's sake. 

"She really likes this guy and we all know he's probably gonna shit on her, but we need to support her because we never know he might just be the one. Don't go wasting your time on her if she doesn't want you kid." I said giving him a reassuring smirk, it looked as if a light bulb should appear above his mane. 

"You know what? You're absolutely right" He said hopping off the counter and standing on his statement white kicks. He held out his palms and I gave him a questioning stare. I debated it but I caught it and he sleekly tugged me close giving me a grin. I was quietly fading and I could sense my knees becoming frailer and frailer by the second. 

"Come on doll. Let's go to the bar and have some real fun," He murmured inches away from my face. 

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