Steff McKee- Gasoline

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The night I cried was the first time I had shed a tear in 4 years. I hadn't expected t either. To be honest I forgot what it felt like and to feel that release was wondrous but the cause of it was not so good. The last time I cried was because my hamster died, so you could imagine the pain I felt when Steff took my virginity then bailed. 

I know I know I should've expected it but hear me out. 

I was a little lovestruck with Steff, I didn't want to be but I was. So when I found out he was throwing a party at his house I had to go, especially since my best friend Andie was going with her boyfriend, Blaaaiineee. 

I arrived at the party and it was just like any other. there was drugs, naked people, alcohol, stupid teenagers and loud music. I was glad to be a part of it. To cut a long story short, I was charmed by Steff and we went to his room. We did the 'do', shortly after he confessed his love to me. I knew it was too good to be true, I was just itching to be with this guy. Call me desperate but if a hot guy like Steff came up to you and asked to fuck, would you say no? I knew what I was getting into, but I didn't think it would get that far. 

The next day at school, he blanked me. He avoided me at all costs and I overheard him saying some stuff to his friends. 

"So how was she?" 

"She was a cherry, I couldn't even feel anything. Just another pristine girl becoming a woman."

I know. I didn't know whether to punch him in the face or cry. 

In the party, he was so friendly, even though he was drunk. Well, as friendly as Steff McKee could possibly be. He stuck with me the whole time, beat up some guy who tried to talk to me and I uh...lost my virginity to him. 

I broke down at school when the 'it girls' approached me in English. 

"So, I heard you popped your cherry with Steff."

"You're just a piece of shit you know? Steff could never like you never mind love you Y/N."

Duckie was the only person who listened. Andie was so caught up in her love life to notice but the person I felt for more is Duckie. I ruined his pants with my tears. 

"Y/N I told you, people like him are pieces of crap. He's not worth the tears honey."

"Thanks, Duckie. I love you."

"I love you too Y/N, now you sure you're okay? Cause I will gladly clean up any parking lot with his but."

"Yes, Duckie I'm fine."

"This woman is suffering inside. that's all there is to it."

"Duckie, shut up."

"Do I offend?"


"And this is why Shakespeare was a Jacobean writer instead of Elizabethan. Next! During his life Shakespeare perform-"

"Yes Y/N?" 

"Can I use a bathroom pass?" I suggested trying to contain tears during my conflict with the bitches. 

"Of course, is there a problem Miss L/N?"She urged concerned. The two blondes sniggered next to me, awaiting my answer. 

"None whatsoever," I assure with a fake smile. 

"Go on" She smiled and nodded her head. 

I got up quickly, rushing to the doors, closing it with force. I leant against it, a shaky breath escaping my lips. Squeaks of sneakers against the cheap floors made my body flinch and my brain cringe. 

"Duckie!" I yelled. 

He walked towards an unaware Steff, I knew what was going to go down. I knew who was going to go down. All I could do was observe, as my best friend tackled the guy I once loved. 

"AHHH!" Duckie screamed while charging. 

Steff instantly fell to the floor, a raging Duckie on top until Steff got the better of him. He was now on top, clinging onto DUckie's jacket. Before he could even hit him, Duckie was slammed against the lockers, held by his collars. My breath hitched in my throat. I began to run toward them as they scrambled on the floor once more, like a huge pile of teenage angst and anger. 

"STOP IT DUCKIE!" I pleaded pulling on his jacket, trying to at least get him on his white shoes. 

"You're dead" Duckie threatened, punching Steff in the face, once he got ground. 

"Duckie God Damn it listen to me! He's not worth it!" I went on. 

Duck man got to his feet, straightening his jacket, Steff soon followed wiping his perfect lips. He glanced at Duckie before doing a double take at me. I could only hold my hands on Duckies face. My full attention to him only.

"What the hell were you thinking huh?" I lectured, putting his head on my shoulder. 

"Yeah 'Duckie' what's your beef man?" Steff teased mellowed, running a hand through his unfortunately impeccable hair. 

Duckie fired towards him again, only to be held back by me and some other random guy. We were like the water to his fire and Steff was the gasoline.

"You leave her alone Steff! What did she ever do to you huh?!" Duckie screeched in my grip, his eyes truly angered and hurt. I filled up at the sight. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" He assured looking at me occasionally, but never in the eye. 

"Just cause you couldn't buy her man." He shook his head, disgusted. I'd never seen him like it! 

"Just cause you couldn't buy her." 

Before I could wipe his visible tears, Duckie ran off into the mysteries of the school. I thought about going after him, but a force holding me back assured I wouldn't. I frowned at Steff's clutch, shrugging it elsewhere. I gazed into his eyes, sincerely discouraged but his conceited status remained. 

"Look Y/N about that night..." He started. 

"Save it, Steff. If you've got a hard-on for trash, don't take care of it around me. Tell that to your girlfriends too." I retaliated, walking away from him. 

I realised eyes following my journey to my friend. Blue orbs, green orb, brown orbs burning into me as I strutted from a dumbfounded Steff. It was true, I was the one girl he couldn't buy, and that killed him inside. 


I stopped turning my head to the side a little. 

"I weep for the future."

And with that, I was running. 

Who needs a lover when you have a friend like Duckie Dale?

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