Brian Johnson- Metamorphosis

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I sat in detention next to my boyfriend of 2 years, Brian Johnson. If I could describe Brian in two words it would be kind and ingratiating along with smart of course. He is the kindest person alive and would do anything for me, my family and his, and his family treated him like shit. Talk about pressure.

He would also go out of his own way along with mine, to please people. He could never be happy with who he was and always sought approval from everyone around him. This lead to me having to constantly tell him how much he meant to me and it hurt to get the impression that my approval was not enough. 

I sat next to him in detention that he had oh so cleverly gotten into. To cut a long story short he accidentally argued with a religious education teacher about science, or at least that's what he told me. Another thing about Mr Johnson is that he will argue with anyone about anything he strongly believed in. You could imagine our dates. 

I sighed as I heard only arguments between everyone except for me and the girl in the back. Allison. I knew her from art class.

"What're we having?" I heard a voice ask close to my ear. I flinched in surprise.

"Uh, it's your standard regular lunch I guess..." Brian replied to the now identified misfit.

I opened my book and began to read drowning away all of the voices that haunted me as they argued about their petty lives. That was of course until a particular thing woke me up minutes later.

"How's your day, pal?" I heard a mock dad-like voice ask. It reminded me oh so much of Mr Johnson, Brain's father. It then came to me as I stared at Brian's embarrassed face, that Bender was deciphering his life. How dare he? He had no right to judge.

He carried on until my fists clenched so hard and my body heated up so much...I burst.

"And what right do you have? Judging other people's lives. Interpreting them as if this was all a god damn puppet show!" I spoke sternly to the heavily clothed hunk. Everyone looked at me in shock. I, along with Allison hadn't spoken a word since I strolled in through the door. The closed door with a missing screw.

"I'm sorry honey I just thought that I should explain to everyone what Big Bri's house was like. Of course, you didn't have to listen because you have undoubtedly been over his house before." He spoke eyeing me up and down. My hands clenched the back of my chair harder, feeling it weaken under my grasp.

"Fuck you" I snapped. I heard Brian gasp a little beside me. All I could see was red and all I could feel was warmth and sweat. I never swore, my friends knew that along with Brian and so when I did it meant I was about to blow.

"Oh...obscene vocabulary from such a pristine girl!" He teased nearing me, his glare intense. He lifted Brian from his chair with a gloved experienced hand and sat beside me.

"Yeah prison isn't my style" I muttered calming down and realising my actual situation.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked me and my cheeks heated. I could feel every single ounce of confidence I ever had fall to the floor like Bender in Andrews fight.

"I'll bet you a million dollars that you are! Let's end the suspense! Is it gonna be..." He continued looking at Brian before returning our own personal tension.

"A white wedding?" He asked.

"Why don't you just shut up?" I heard Claire say from across the room but that did nothing. her inexperience with sticking up for people began to show.

"Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth?" He continued looking at my lips dragging his closer.

"Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off...hoping to God, your parents don't walk in? Or Brian's for that matter?"

"Do you want me to puke?" I said feeling the tears that pricked my eyes affect my voice as I tried to get up from my current level. It was as if he was holding me down as I flew.

"Over the panties, no bra, blouse unbuttoned, Calvin's in a ball on the front seat past eleven on a school night?" He taunted.

He suddenly fell from his or Brians chair. We all looked to the ground to see a beyond pissed off brunette and standing above him for the first time in his life... was Brian. My eyes trailed up his long trousered legs and up his green sweater to see his blushing face pulsating ith anger. His eyes like a cowboys' in a showdown and his fists tighter than a facelift. My mouth was gaping and my eyes wide as I looked at my boyfriend. To tell you the truth, I'd never felt so turned on in my entire life.

Bender got up quickly towering over Brian once more trying to regain his dignity.

"leave her alone!" brian yelled into his face.

A silence. a silence killing us all.

"You gonna make me?" He asked balling up his fists, the badge on his gloves falling to the floor.My mouth still agape.

"Not if you do what I say" Brian replied shoving him.

"Look you leave her outta this...this...need for dissing people that you have. You don't talk to her, look at her, think about her. If you do, shit will go down buddy because that beautiful, perfect girl sitting there that you just the love of my life and I couldn't live without her. So to see wasted shit-heads like you dissing a woman, it makes me angry and you don't wanna know what happens when I'm angry." He spoke sternly. It was as if he'd grown 2 feet taller and his dick two inches longer. I couldn't believe it, especially since what happened next.

"I-I-I'm sorry," Bender said to me with wide eyes, mine exactly the same. I was still looking at them both as if it were a tennis match.

The both went to go sit down and Andrew, Clair, even Allison and I were looking at the two as if they'd just had sex on the floor

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The both went to go sit down and Andrew, Clair, even Allison and I were looking at the two as if they'd just had sex on the floor. 

Brian sat down straight and started forward clearing his throat as I gawked at him with flushed cheeks. 

"What the hell was that?" I whisper-shouted at the handsome blonde in front of me. 

"What? Just sticking up for my girl" He smirked at me making my face go crimson. I concealed my face into his chest and held on to him tightly, he returned the favour. 

"I don't think you've ever looked sexier in your entire life" I chuckled at him he blushed nerdily. 

"What not even at the Physics banquets? " He said mock-offendedly putting a hand to his chest that was previously occupied. 

"Hm, I'll have to think about that one actually" I giggled embracing him once more.

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