Ted Logan- She's A Babe

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I sat behind the camera as my two idiot best friends attempted to play the guitar without any experience at all. 

They yelled 'Wyld Stallyns' over and over again while beating the shit out of guitars. 

I closed the camera. 

"Guys, guys, don't you think you should actually learn to play?", I asked them. They both stood there dumbfounded. Their vacant expressions replying for them. I sighed and sat back down. 

"Y/N babe Eddie Van Halen will teach us", Bill said in a duh tone. Putting down his guitar, or what was left of it. His hands went on his hips. 

"In what universe", I asked sarcastically to the both of them. 

They both thought for a moment until a lightbulb lit above 'ted's head.

"Earth", he said matter of factly trying to outsmart me. Poor guy. 

"Ted you idiot, the earth's a galaxy, not a universe", Bill said while hitting Ted's arm. 

I shook my head with muttering profanities. 

"Whatever let's study", I said giving up on the boys and heading to my boring house.

"No no wait, I can't study with you guys, sorry, I'll loose focus man", Bill said. He nudged Ted's arm as if they were hiding something. 

I looked at them in utter confusion as they acted innocent for the hundredth time today. 

I was slightly relieved since Ted was more tame than Bill, he would end up trashing Ted's room or something. 

"Say hi to Missy for me", Ted smirked as Bill headed away. 

"Shut up Ted", he yelled. 


"So Ted, who was George Washington", I asked him. He sat flustered on my bed massaging his temples. 

"Oh that's the dude with wooden teeth, chased Moby Dick", he said smiling that smile of his. 

"That Captain Ahab dude", I replied hitting my head with the book in my hands. I was all ready for the history exam but Ted wasn't at all. God help him. 

"Hey, you ever made a mushroom out of his head?", he began, his hands mirroring his enthusiasm. He got up and started pacing around the room ecstatically. 

"Ted, Alaska...", I reminded him. The teen sat down on the edge of the bed at this, his face buried in his hands.

I crawled over to him and sat by his side. My hand rubbed his clothed back as he ranted. 

"I am destined to end up at Oats Military Academy Y/N", he said in his hands. 

"You're smarter than you think Ted, at least I think so", I said truthfully. The kid put himself down. With a dad like his, you were bound to think you're worthless. 

He looked up at me, his face out of his hands. He suddenly looked very attractive.

What was happening to me?

His lips red, his hair messy. I couldn't control my feelings. My face was probably as red as his lips by now.

I sharply inhaled. 

"Yeah?", he asked softly. 

"Definitely", I stuttered, he suddenly came nearer and nearer to me. To my side of the bed. 

I began to move away, leaning back as far as I could before I fell back on the bed, Ted on top. 

"Ted", I groaned. I didn't know what I wanted at that point. If you were in a situation where your gorgeous best friend suddenly pounced on you, what would you do? Hard right? No not him, the decision. 

"Shhh", he said before kissing me passionately. Our breathing fast, he was just as nervous and hesitant as I was. 

I tried to move again but ended up on top of him. How my body was helping me, geez.

Our lips didn't budge from their position. My hands squeezing his now creased shirt. 

"I don't want this", I said in between kisses. 

"Then why are you kissing me", he replied doing the same. We were both confused. I was angry, confused, aroused, flushed, and happy all the same time. 

I pulled away, sitting directly on his crotch making his eyes widen.

"Because I...", I began. He groaned when I ground softly on him. 

His hands rubbing my hips softly as I tried to end the answer. 

"Like you", I finished. 

He pushed me back forward, my lips instinctively falling on his. Ted's hands wandering everywhere before resting on my butt. 

We rolled around on my fair-sized bed until we were comfortable. 

I lay on my back with him kissing me softly, much softer than before. He laid on his side right next to me, no more than a millimetre apart and his hand rubbed my torso slowing, often skimming my breasts.

I was so far up heavens butt, I didn't notice Bill arrive at my room unexpectedly. 

"Hey Y/N, your Mom let me in... OH MY GOD!", he exclaimed. I and Ted froze looking at him in shock, his hand still on my chest. We both couldn't move, paralysed you could say. 

"Bill! Get outta here man", Ted said seriously at Bill gesturing to my frozen body next to him. 

"Right right dude dudette, have fun, I guess, use protection, and uh, just",  Bill struggled while trying not to look and my helpless body. 

"GET OUT MAN", we both yelled at Bill He quickly hurried out of the door, shutting it quietly behind him. 

I looked at ted and we laughed, well, giggled uncontrollably. We stopped and shared a moment staring into each others eyes. 

"Where were we?", he smirked attaching his hand once more to its rightful place and kissing my neck.  

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