Sodapop Curtis- Violation

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I haven't spoken to any of the guys in a week.

I've barely come out of my room and haven't come out of the house in a week. 

I haven't mingled or done anything with Soda. 

None of them understood, they've pushed me and pressed me but I could never tell them what really happened. 

I've been in hiding and I wasn't coming out until I forgot everything. 


I came out of my room with my duvet wrapped around my shoulders, this would've made me laugh if I was in the mood. I emerged slowly through the hallway heading for the kitchen to get a glass of water. All the crying had made my throat as dry as a bucket of sand by now. 

My bare feet pressed against the creaking wood slowly, the frown on my face reflecting my movements. I was dreading walking through the living room where all the guys would be but it had to be done. 

My eyes were superglued to the floor as I walked in, the sound of Mickey Mouse's wholesome voice ringed in my ears, all too familiar when you've been living here for years. Two-bit. The scent of beer and cake travelled up into my nose. Darry, Steve, Dally, Soda. They were all here, I could smell it. I could even smell the grime on Johnny's back pockets and the pages of Pony's iconic books. I picked up the pace when I observed all their eyes on me. Everything went quiet. All you could hear was the sizzling of beers and children's laughter that hadn't erupted through this house in weeks. 

They began to whisper.  I was in high school again. 

I slowly poured my drink and flew again. 

"Hey Y/N..." I heard Darry say. I chose to ignore. When I walked back into the hallway I heard ever one of them sigh, especially Soda. You could imagine how a man would feel if he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his girlfriend. 

I then went to take a shower, the one of many I've had. I still felt dirty. All I could see was mud and blood like a tattoo in the mirror. So I went to shower. Halfway through I felt tears instead of water droplets on my face, washing away any hope I had for my well-being. I sat in the corner of the shower for hours until I managed to calm down. 

I got dressed back into Pyjamas and walked back to bed. 

I lay there in silence with my back facing the door unable to control the thoughts and tears that came out of my head. I felt two strong arms around me making me flinch, I freaked out breathing heavily and whimpering. 

"Hey, baby it's only me" I heard Soda's sweet voice say comfortingly, though it didn't comfort me this time it stopped the whimpering. 

"I need you to tell me what's wrong, we can't help you if you stay quiet forever. Me and the guys, we're all worried about you angel. We want to help. We want our old Y/N back..." He whined softly tracing his fingers up my side softly. Goosebumps started to form on my bare body, each bursting with a shiver. 

I turned around facing him and buried my head in his chest. Shaking my head.

"I can't" I cried. 

Soda's hands stroked my hair, bringing me as close as possible to him, kissing my hair every so often. 

It was a couple minuted later I let go. I was tired of living like this. He had to know.

"I-I", I stuttered unable to find my words. 

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