Gordie Lachance- Old Familiar

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My book relaxed in my lap as I returned to my old town in my crappy red car. My sunglasses dimming the sun as the sign for 'castle rock' comes into view. My parents moved here, dragging e along with them back in the 50s. Back when I had no idea about the mysteries of the world and how cruel it could be. 

My childhood friends Chris, Vern, teddy and Gordie are people I truly missed. The people who helped me change my view on the world. You see we found a body. We were all so desperate to find it not cause the other gang was chasing us but for another reason. A reason I still can't explain to this day. 

It's now 10 years later and I am somewhat older and wiser thanks to this book. 

This book was strangely similar to the journey I shared with my friends written by an anonymous author. I found it a coincidence that the signing I was attending was back in castle rock, where the adventure took place but I chose to ignore it. 

I often wondered how the guys were. 

But I had no idea. 

I got out the car excited. I had to steady myself for a moment in case I might fall. How embarrassing would that have been? Especially since there are around 100people queuing in front of me. 

I shuffled awkwardly and impatiently as I stood in lie behind some business guy.He looked rather snobby to be in castle rock. again I chose to ignore it. 

I was glad I left this town while I could, but I sure did miss the guys. 

You see what was so special about this particular signing is that it would be the first signing ever dine by this author and so would reveal his identity. an opportunity I would rather not miss. The book changed my life, I had to thank them. 

Hours went by and I was finally second in line. Sweat drenched my clothing as I slumped my fatigued body. I started to wonder if it was all worth it. I couldn't give u. Not now. 

I saw a blushing red head exit the room excitedly running to her squealing girlfriends. They were all jumping in their heels. A feeling I was unfamiliar with.

My friends were boys. 

This was my cue to go. 

I walked to the black curtain, the only thing separating me and the author. 

I took a deep breath and lifted, entering the small room. 

Heat rushed to my face as I saw a familiar pair of glassy brown eyes. 

His youthful skin sparkled strangely in the dimly lit room.

A smile flashed don his face as soon as he saw me. 

He must recognise me. 

"Gordie?!", I exclaimed a little. The book I held dearly in my hands dropped to the floor as my hands covered my mouth in shock. 

It was our story. 

I was the girl. 

Was I the love of his life?

I ran into his arms feeling the familiar warmth I felt. 

"I missed you so much", he mumbled into my hair. 

"I can't believe how successful you are, I told you you'd make it. I also can't believe you wrote about us", I said, shock still lingering in my voice but much quieter. 

His hands on my shoulders he gave me a stern look. I instantly regretted what I said. I thought I upset him. Did I make him angry? What did I say wrong?

My smile faded. 

"Before I lose you again or something gets in the wayI want to tell you I... I..", he stuttered. This was harder than he thought clearly. His gaze fixed somewhere other than mine as he struggled to find his words. 

"I love you", he spoke. 

My heart stopped. 


I couldn't feel anything but heat. 

I couldn't speak. 

So I did the only thing I could think of. 

I pushed him back into his chair, my hand pressed firmly on his chest and brought out lips together. His hands gripped the armrests before he relaxed. His hands grazed my flushed cheeks as I moved closer to him on his lap. I pulled away from the kiss and saw the boy i feel in love with panting before me, messed up hair, lips swollen. 

"I love you too", I smirked. 

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