Chapter 6: Donuts and Darkness

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Chapter 6


Lexi's Point Of View


My alarm went off at 6:30. Hopefully I would get there before Shelly woke up. I took a shower and got ready and stopped for a dozen donuts and drove into the employee parking lot at 7:15. Not too shabby, right?

I practically ran up the stairs, hoping she would love the donuts. I burst into the room and screamed.


She was crumpled on the floor in a ball in a pool of blood. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that she was breathing. My donuts were tossed to one side and I was crouching over her within the few seconds it took for someone to peek their head in and gasp.

Her eyes were sealed shut with tears, and there were two nasty bruises on her head. The blood seemed to be coming from one of her legs, but I couldn't see why or how and I was scared to move her to see more closely until the doctor arrived.

"Shelly? Can you hear me?" She didn't reply, and it hurt me so much to see her curled up there, unmoving in a pool of blood that I almost threw up. I refused to leave her side, however, so I crouched there helplessly unsure of what to do.

"Lexi! What happened?" It was Doctor Michaels, and I spun around quickly to face him, "I don't know!!! I went home after she was asleep, and I got up at 6:30 this morning and got here 10 minutes ago and she was like this!!"

"Lexi... Lexi are you crying???" His voice was stunned. I lifted a wrist to my cheek to feel for tears.

"Am I?" I felt wetness and added, "Oh." For a moment we both seemed in shock at this new development. I recovered first and screamed at him.

"Help me!!! I don't know if it's safe to move her!!! I don't know where the blood is coming from!! She has two bruises on her head she must have moved from the position she was on the floor cuz both are not in contact with the ground, one is on the top of her head and the other is in the back, here." My voice had started out as a frantic scream and turned into a patient, calm, soothing informational tone that I knew would best help him help me help Shelly.

Shelly... hang in there girl...

Surprisingly, there was no comment from Lyssa. I was grateful.

"Where's the blood coming from?"

"I'm not sure!!!" I fought to keep the panic out of my voice, "I think it's from one of her legs but I was scared to move her." It was killing me to see her lying there, pale and seeming sickly skeletal in a pool of sticky scarlet blood.

"Do you want to move her now?" Ashamed, I shook my head.

"This is killing me..." I forced myself to admit but the words seemed stuck in my throat, "I think I'm going to be sick..."

Dr. Michaels moved around me to move her leg slowly and carefully. Suddenly, Shelly stiffened and screamed. The sound seemed to pierce my heart as well as my ears. She sobbed quietly, when he stopped attempting to move it and said, "Oh my God, my God. Help us."

I hadn't even known he was a Christian, so how bad was this?? I went to look over his shoulder but at the same time one of the watching interns ran away with his hands over his mouth and Dr. Michaels told me very politely not to look.

"Shelly," I whispered and took her hand, "Shelly it's me! What happened?" She shook her head and moaned softly and I tightened my grip on her hand.

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