Chapter 23: The Soap Opera

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Chapter 23


Shelly's Point Of View


"I'm going to pee myself!" Lexi shrieked a minute later, somehow managing to force the words out as she gasped for air in the middle of her laughing fit.

"TMI." Donny said, wrinkling his nose in a cute way.

"You- look- like- bunny-" I gasped out, laughing impossibly harder than Lexi. He frowned at me with a look of intense concentration on his face for a few moments before saying, "'You know, that isn't a compliment for a guy, right?"

Immediately, I stopped laughing and assumed a straight face.

"Of course." I started giggling again.

"Oh my gosh, you guys, grow up." He dared to scold the two of us, at which point Lexi gave up attempting to stay sitting up straight and collapsed into my pillows.

"Never! 'Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional'! I don't want to ever grow up!" I say adamantly, staring him down. Something in his gaze softens, and he says, "Don't worry, you won't have to."

Wait- does he mean I'm going to die? Or that he accepts the fact that I am childish and will remain like that forever?

"That's not what I meant, butterfly. You'll just always be a little kid at heart, even if you're trapped in the body of a beautiful grown up woman. You'll have the spirit and energy of a five year old on a chocolate high, and you know what butterfly? That's perfect."

"It is?" I whisper, breathless as he leans in and Lexi continues to laugh hysterically with her face buried in the pillows.

"You're perfect just the way you are." Did he know my heart was pounding? I was so sure he could hear it. I want him to kiss me, but will he with his sister laughing there?

Suddenly, I think of Adam, and pull away involuntarily.

"Right," Donny coughed, turning red as he had leaned forward and closed his eyes at the same moment I pulled away. Gosh, why do I always mess these things up? I should kiss him now, so he won't think I was pulling away because of him.

...But I can't kiss him, I'm too shy at any other given time, let alone with Adam in my head, so I stare awkwardly at my lap as Lexi's giggles subside.


"Shelly! Have you ever been kissed?"

"No. You know that, Adam."

"Oh. Does it gross you out?"

"Umm. Adam? Where did this come from? Do you have a crush on someone I should know about?" I ask, fear constricting my chest at the thought of him liking someone other than me.

"You didn't answer my question, Shelly."

"That's because I'm afraid that no matter what I say, you will tease me about it."

"When have I ever teased you?"

"All the time."

"Not about something serious."

"Is this serious?"


"Um, well, it grosses me out when my parents do it. I don't think it needs to be that noisy-"

"But?" he prompted, sensing that one was coming somehow.

"But... doesn't it seem cool and romantic in the movies?"

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