Chapter 32: The White Pupae

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Chapter 32


Shelly's Point of View


Less than much too soon later, we are back in the car again. My hand is again chilled with the pleasure of a slushie, Donny had seemed way too happy that there was an old man with a pot belly manning the till at the run-down gas station, instead of James.

Jealous boy. It makes me smirk to even think about it. Next to me in the backseat is a plastic bag full of unhealthy heaven: Oreos to Cheetos to Skittles to ingredients for s'mores... In Lexi's words, "Everything to keep my little princess happy."

...I may or may not have been jumping in circles when she bought it for me...

*cough, cough*

I'm excited that we're going to another campground later, but even more excited that tonight we're sleeping in a hotel. With actual beds. And refreshing hot-

"SHOWERS!!" Lexi cheers for the bajillionth time, as if she had just been reminded of the heavenly thought. Donny sneaks a look at me, obviously exasperated, but I just think she is cute.

Then again, everything is cute when you're on a sugar high.

I smirk again when I realize that Donny will still probably have to sleep on the floor unless we're getting two hotel rooms. A few seconds later, I regret it, though, because he deserves better than that for putting up with me teasing him nonstop. He's such a good sport about it, and that's rare in boys... well, rare in anyone.

I know that Lexi won't let me give up the bed for him, and I wouldn't ever ask her to give up her spot. Donny wouldn't let either of us give up our spots for him either. A frown worms its way onto my face as I worry about it.

"Something wrong?" Donny asks, quietly. I look up at him, watching me through the rearview.

"No." it's too difficult to explain and we can't figure anything out until we get there anyways.

"Radio?" he offers, smirking, and my only answer can be, "When I tell you to change the song, you better listen to my warning next time."

He nods, and music fills the car.

I'm pretty sure even you, reading this, know he isn't going to listen to me.

Suddenly, my eyes widen and I take a huge slurp in preparation for singing along to the song that had just started.

Donny wouldn't know what hit him. He seemed zoned out, so I waited until the chorus to sing out and scare him.


"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!!!!" Of course, I had to kick his chair with this statement- I was a wrecking ball, after all. I saw Lexi take an amused glance at me when Donny yelped in surprise.


"Love?" Donny's lips twitched in a cocky smirk that stopped my wrecking ball mid-swing.

"Uh-" green lakes held my stare like they had some kind of gravitational pull on my eyes. I swallowed, my mind puttering around trying to fund a comeback, "That part is purely Miley's idea. I just agree with the breaking people's walls and hitting them part." I grinned and sipped at my red drink, hoping that the red dye made me look a bit like a vampire.

"Bloodsucker." he stuck his blue tongue out at me, "Bite me."

"Ew. You said yourself, I eat blood, not the spawn of garbage and poop." I inwardly winced at the childishness of my comeback. 'Garbage' and 'poop'? Scaaaaary.

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