Chapter 7: Beautiful Hero

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Chapter 7

"Who turned the lights on?" I mumbled sleepily when I woke up. Suddenly, I sat upright and gasped.

I can SEE!!!!!!


"WHAT?? What happened?? Are you okay?? What do you need??" she seemed to have been woken into instant alertness by the sound of my voice and had leapt up, ready for anything.

"I can SEE!!!" I shouted at her.

The colors! I had never appreciated color so much in my entire life!! my eyes caressed the textures and the colors trying to take everything in. Lexi squealed next to me and dashed forward to envelope me in a hug. I took the opportunity to look over her shoulder, drinking in everything with my eyes.

"It's so beautiful!" I gasped. Lexi's tinkling laugh brought me back to reality, "This is a hospital room, it doesn't get much more boring than this!!"

"It's beautiful!!"

"What happened?" she asked me, leaning back just enough to stare at my face.


"Shelly!! You scared me to tears and half to death either you tell me what happened or so help me I-" I really didn't want to know what she had in mind.

"OKAY OKAY!!! Geez!" She motioned for me to continue.

"Ummmm... you're going to think I'm stupid..."

"The only thing I think will be stupid is if you don't tell me the truth right now."

No pressure, kiddo.

I giggled nervously. I had kinda thought the hearing voices thing was a result of my concussion.

Hoped, you mean? I'm pretty sure you thought it was real.

Get out of my head. Now.

Awww, you're just like Lexi. how sweet....

I shook my head to clear it and saw Lexi holding up 3 fingers. 2 fingers...

"I woke up!! And there was this blinding light!!" She put her fingers down, hallelujah! I'm not sure what she was counting down to but I don't think it was good...

"And at first I thought it was the sun... and then I felt something crawling on my hand... It was a spider... and I spazzed out. I screamed and jumped up and hit my head in the ceiling it knocked me into the floor where I hit my head again."

Lexi sat next to me quietly for a few seconds, which was really starting to scare me. Even Lyssa was being quiet.

"You mean to tell me, that you almost died because of a spider?????"





I scooted away from Lexi in the bed subtly.


She looked like she had swallowed something nasty. Then she leaned in closer to me as my left leg inched out from under the blankets searching for the floor.


She opened her mouth and yelled, "A SPIDER???" I took my chance and launched myself out of bed but as soon as I saw the cast on my right ankle I knew I had made a mistake. That would slip on the floor like it was ice.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" Slipping, starting to do the splits in slow motion, and then a pair of hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back up. The hands were strong and warm, yet gentle, meaning they didn't dig into me. As soon as the hands left me I almost fell over again and somehow I ended up pressed up against a warm body with those hands on my waist as I gasped for air.

Is the lack of air due to your fright or the romance?

I swear, you can HEAR that girl's smirk!

"You okay?"

It's him!!!!

"I'm not sure yet." I squeezed my eyes shut, feigning dizziness and enjoying the warmth.

"Go ahead and put the naughty girl back in bed." I heard Lexi's voice call out. Immediately, I was swept off my feet and I let out an involuntary yelp and opened my eyes.

I think I heard her smirk, too.

But I wasn't listening to her. I was looking into eyes. Eyes of the most startling green I had ever seen.

"The colors..." I said dreamily, "They're beautiful..."

His laugh was a small chuckle that seemed to make my heart want to fly out of my chest.

"You got quite a bump there don't you?" He pressed his cheek to the top of my head and I giggled.

What are you DOING???? I asked myself, but I couldn't change anything I was doing. He laid me down gently on the bed and tucked me in.

"Mom wanted you to know she wants you to call her later." He said to Lexi, and immediately my heart went cold.

I can't date Lexi's brother!!! ...can I?

"Does the hero get a kiss?" he teased, looking back to me. I pretended not to hear him and giggled at the ceiling.


He chuckled again and my heart woke up hopefully.

"It's a good thing I liked her from before," he told Lexi, "I don't really care for stupid people."

Ouch. My heart beat angrily at him, ignoring the fact he had liked me before.

Wait WHAT? He liked me??

"Oh just kiss her. She hit her head twice!! Give her a break for the silliness, okay? And odds are she won't remember so just kiss her!"

Lexi! Lexi!! Lexi what are you doing??? Lexi what is HE doing???? oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh.....


His lips were unimaginably soft and gentle and sweet and... and... it's really just impossible to describe a kiss. Especially if it doesn't last long enough!!!

Come back here...

My head unconsciously rose off the pillow a few inches as he pulled away. I forced myself back down, hoping no one would have noticed.

He left.

My heart went with him. Between him and Lexi, it seemed as if my heart had decided to go on vacation.

"Lexi. Marie. Walsh. What. The. Fish. Did. You. Just. Do."


Short Chapter!!!


=D tell me what you think though!!

Have a nice day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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