19. Shook

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"Unnie! Your super handsome and cool maknae Lisa has returned! Rosé yah I bought your coffee! Come out and welcome me y'all!" Lisa walked into the dorm and exclaims.

"You're so.... Ugh you got me so worried." Jisoo walked out from her room and sighed.

"Unnie you look so funny when you put the face mask hahahahaha! Why is there elephant drawing on there hahahahaha!" Lisa pointed at Jisoo's face and laughed, "I'm posting this on my Instagram!"

"Yah! Don't you dare!" Jisoo walked closer to get Lisa's phone, but she got shocked instead. "Omo Lisa you didn't put makeup on! Don't you love those really cool makeups?"

Hearing the conversation, Jennie and Rosé came to the living room and both got shocked by Lisa's bare face.

"No makeup! Who did you go eat with! Hurry up and tell us!" Jennie reacted first and took Lisa by the wrist, bringing her to sit down on the couch.

"I went with Chanyeol oppa and the rest of EXO. Chanyeol oppa said I look more like a kid when I don't apply makeup, so I didn't even put on foundation this time."

"See! I told you it's EXO sunbae~" Jisoo smirked at the other two members. "Where my fried chicken at girls?"


Lisa answered all the questions and told the unnies that she and Chanyeol are just brothers and sisters and nothing more, Lisa washed herself and lie down in bed. It was already 1:50A.M.

Looking over at Rosé, who was already asleep, Lisa wondered why she's able to sleep with caffeine consumed like ten minutes ago.

Lisa looked at her phone and clicked into the contact list. She added a heart to the name 'Yoongi oppa' and changed the contact photo to her favorite one out of the ten.

Wow, I'm such a successful fan. Lisa thought.

- Chanyeol oppa are you home?

- Long time ago, you're not sleeping?

- I can't I'm too excited. I got Yoongi oppa's phone number! It's like better than me debuting!

- Better than debuting! Didn't you say started liking BANGTAN in like 2015? It sounds like he's important like a family member.

- Oppa you wouldn't understand the feelings of a fangirl!

- ....Who's that guy though? The guy you texted but you didn't save his number.

- Oppa you know him too, he's not that tall.

- You want me to guess? That's very troublesome!

- I don't care~ Oppa good night!

- ....Don't let me hit you next time when I see you..


- Oppa! I don't know if you're still watching TV, but I want to share something really exciting with you!

- I'm not watching TV anymore~ Go wash yourself first, it's pretty late. I'll wait for you.

- I already did!
  Attachment x 10.

Opening the attachments, he saw Lisa and Yoongi's selfies with only their eyes in the view.

- Ohhh, Yoongi hyung ah. Yoongi hyung is Lisa's favorite member in BANGTAN?

- HAHAHA yes! I met him today at the BBQ store and I was so happy like OMG I was scared to talk to him at first, but he came over to me this time because he mistaken Chanyeol oppa as someone weird. I was SO. SHOOK. Almost Jungshook!

- Hhahaha Lisa that's too much. We texted each other for a pretty long time but we don't have any selfies together.

- Oppa we'll just take it next time. You're so busy that's why we don't have much time to go out and eat~

- Yea yea next time we have to. I'm gonna sleep, I'm pretty tired. Night.

- Good night oppa.


a/n: soooo i have spring break when friday finishes and i'll try to update more! thanks for reading and voting!

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