28. Your ear

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Lisa went straight to the bathroom after she placed the two black bags in her room. After showering, it was fifteen minutes till nine, the three members still didn't come back yet. Lisa knew for sure that they went to eat some delicious food without her. Hmph, I am the only one who was practicing.

Okay, maybe she wasn't either. She was a bit too overwhelmed with all the feels.

Lisa sat down on the bed with the two bags from Jimin, which were from Jungkook, and started to organize the objects inside.

Jungkook is so caring, she thought.

Lisa wanted to text Jungkook 'thank you', but it would still be a bit weird since they just had some strange conversation. She decided to tell him next time.


Lisa became a fan of BANGTAN since the [I NEED U] era because of Yoongi, but it wasn't until later when she realized that she actually watched their music video way before. And that was when Lisa began to wear her flannels around her waist while wearing a sweater. It was in the [JUST ONE DAY] MV, where Jungkook's outfit was like that.

So basically the first guy that appealed to her was Jungkook, though she did not know.

Even though Lisa admires Yoongi, her feelings toward Jungkook are different. Yoongi is like her mentor, someone she looks up to; while Jungkook, she wants to be friends with him; she wants to talk to him; she wants to know about him; she wants to do so many things and travel to all the different places with him. This is the first time that she's ever felt this way towards someone. You can't possibly describe that feeling in words, but you definitely understand.

You want to lend him a hand when he needs help. You want to embrace him when he's down. You want to smile with him when he's happy. You want to cheer him up when he's tired. You want to enjoy all the little things in life with him. You just want to be there for him, even if you don't receive anything in return.

You want to be his first and last.

You want to be his only.

His one and only.


The six people speechlessly looked at Yoongi, who has his left ear wrapped in cloth.

"Hyung how did you walk into the door?" The members didn't think it would be this serious, to the point where he can't even attend the end of year performances.

"How do people walk into doors?"

"Hyung, it's not like you have wide shoulders that can get stuck in between the door or something. Like how did you ear get injured. Did you just lose your swag because you dyed your hair black?" Hoseok softly poked Yoongi's ear, "Does it hurt?"

"Yah! It tickles!"

Hoseok's eyes widen as he took his hand back, "Looks like you're fine."

"Hyung, Yoongi hyung will hit you when he gets better." Jungkook rolled his eyes at Hoseok while texting Lisa.

- Yoongi hyung injured his eyes while walking into the door so he can't attend the end of year performances

- How do you get hurt when you walk in a door? Yoongi oppa gotta be more careful! Is it that severe that he can't even attend the performances?

- The doctor told him to not move if he doesn't have to so... Don't worry about it, I will take care of him

- Jungkook worry about yourself, Seokjin oppa will take care of him

- >.>


Looking at the messages from Jungkook, Lisa frowned and looked at BamBam, who was sitting next to her. "Yoongi oppa's ear got injured, and it's pretty serious. Like he can't attend the performances at the end of the year!"

"Ear!? How did he bump into the door with his ear? Is it really not because of fighting with Jungkook or something lololol~"

Lisa rolled her eyes and ate the last strawberry. "Are you stupid!"

"If I'm stupid then what are you?" BamBam threw away the empty can of coke. "You wanna go see him?"

"Are you crazy, he's injured, how can we invite him out."

"That's why I say you're dumb... We can go to their dorm."

"Wait wait wait... Are you telling me to go to their dorm? Wait my brain is a bit messed up.. GOING TO THEIR DORM? BANGTAN'S DORM?! BANGTAN! BANGTAN!" Lisa was beyond excited, can we really go?"

"I remember the address, but I don't know if there's anyone at their dorm right now. I mean they could be all in the hospital?" BamBam said as he took out his phone, "Should I call?"

"No no no no! Let's just go ring the doorbell, if no one answers, then we can just leave!" Lisa shook her head and put down BamBam's phone. "Let's go buy some fruits.

"What if you don't see them later..."

"Then we eat them ourselves."


On their way to BANGTAN's dorm, Lisa was dancing around and imagining how the dorm would look like in her head.

But now she's standing right in front of it and she lost all her thoughts. Wow I'm actually here.

Ding dong.


Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong.


"They're not home." Lisa sounded so depressed.

"You still have more chance in the future." BamBam patted her head, "Shall we put these fruits in front of the door?"

"Yeah, let's just leave them here."

The two looked at the pile of fully-stuffed bags in front of the door, then they realized that there was someone standing not so far away from them.

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