26. Let's go eat

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Kim Taewoo clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "I don't know the street dance group's actual skills yet since you guys only danced to the assigned dance. Let's free dance."

Lisa growled internally, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS!

Kim Taewoo plugged his phone to the Bluetooth speaker, "I'm gonna play the music, there's gonna be all types of songs. Who wants to start?"

"Like how we did the solo before, but I'll start first." Seulgi said and stood up.

Contrasting from the happy image during solo dance, everyone held their breath and looked at Seulgi in the center.

All of their skills will be presented in front of everyone.


Momo returned to her place and whispered, "Lisa fighting, you can do it."

She smiled and walked to the center, looking at Kim Taewoo, but she noticed that he was looking at her weirdly.

The music did not play for a long time, and Lisa stood awkwardly in the center, silently receiving Kim Taewoo's stare.

Everyone was confused about this, but no one made a move.

"Are you gonna play the music perhaps?" Jimin questioned how peculiar this was and asked. He doesn't like how the person just stared at her with some unspeakable emotions in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" Kim Taewoo did not reply to Jimin, he still focused on Lisa.

"Yeah." Lisa nodded.


Lisa's part was surprisingly long, Yugyeom thought that as he frowned. From Seulgi to Momo, everyone had about thirty seconds of free style, yet Lisa already danced for almost two minutes straight, and Kim Taewoo showed no signs of stopping.

The song kept on changing and everybody silently prayed for Lisa.

Lisa saw Yugyeom's face and made a 'thumbs up' gesture during her moves, the latter saw it and changed back to his normal expressions.

About three minutes, Kim Taewoo finally stopped the song. He clapped for her as well.

"You're good, I was correct when I decided to give you the center position." He looked at the clock, "Stay after when it ends, it wouldn't take long."



"It's okay, you guys can go first!" Lisa pushed Yugyeom a little and said. "Don't worry about me."

"Okokok, I'm too heavy for you to push."

Waiting for Yugyeom to close the door, Lisa ran to Kim Taewoo, "Um....?"

Kim Taewoo looked very serious, "You know Chanyeol right?"


"For his sake, stay away from him." And he left the practice room. He saw the three standing right outside the practice room and nodded at them.

Lisa didn't understand what he was saying. "Oh well." She walked out as well.

"Ya! Didn't I say to not wait for me!" She jumped and put her arms around Yugyeom's shoulder, "That oppa mentioned something weird."

"Like?" Jimin laughed at how awkward Lisa looked with her arms around Yugyeom.

"I ain't telling you guys."

"I think you're probably more weird." Jinyoung smiled and the four walked out of SM.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun got called to the building by their manager on the same day.

"Lisa probably is still here." Chanyeol walked as he took out his phone to call her.


"Where are you? Are you still in the building?

"Yea... Ah! Oppa is from SM too!"

Jimin, who was confused like Yugyeom and Jinyoung, recognized who she is calling. "It's Chanyeol hyung."

Yugyeom and Jinyoung opened their eyes wide, Jimin just shrugged.

Well, it is surprising for an idol who hasn't debuted for long to have the number of a big sunbae from another company.


The six went to eat instead of going back to their dorms.

"Yah Jungkookie, I'm gonna go eat~ Do you want me to bring you anything?" Jimin playfully called Jungkook and waited for his reaction.

"WHAT! HYUNG CAN I GO WITH YOU??" Like what he thought, the voice on the other side of the phone got an octave higher. "I wanna eat with Lisa...."

Jimin gave the phone to Lisa just in time, "Hi Kookie?"

"Omo, omo omo, Lisa, uh, hi!" Jungkook jumped up from his chair and stuttered. "Hahaha... How was the practice?"

"It went well, thanks for caring!" Lisa smiled without herself even noticing. The other five stand around her and observed her expressions.

"Ahh that's nice to hear. Um, so uh, did you eat yet?" Jungkook wanted to slap himself after asking this; Jimin just told him that they were gonna go eat together.

"Nope, we are going to eat together~ We are gonna have fried chicken~~ Do you want some hehe."

"Yes I wanna eat. Have fun~ And uh, you wanna go somewhere to eat next time? Like when we have time, you know, like just us two?" Jungkook wiped his sweat while the other five hyungs in the dorm stared at him like he's some lunatic.

"Yes! Of course! Oh, I mean yea let's go eat next time." Lisa's eyes sparkled and lowered her voice a little. "I can't wait to see you."

Jungkook froze for a second, "Me too."

"Alright, have fun in dorm Kookie, we're gonna go!"

"Okay! Be careful too! Get home safe later."

"Kookie I'm not a kid."

"I'm not either, why you talk to me like I'm a child and call me stuff like Kookie."

"I thought you like being called Kookie???"

"Only by you."

"......" Lisa didn't know what to say for a good ten seconds. Though Jungkook is not standing in front of her, she can somehow see his serious face. "Alright I'm gonna go, bye."

"See you!" Jungkook put down his phone and let out a big scream, "I DID IT. I ASKED HER TO GO EAT WITH ME. AHAHAHAHAHA YES!"

Hoseok stared at him, "What's wrong with this kid."

Yoongi glanced at him and went back to movie watching, "Everything."



"Hyung I kinda feel bad for BamBam, but Jungkook is my friend too so like I feel happy for him? Am I a bad friend?" Yugyeom whispered.

"You are just right."

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