Chapter 6

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Krina's P. O. V

I found her! Jesse is going to be so happy when I tell him I've found his mate. I can remember when I found my mate Jason, the thrill that swept through my body. But Jesse would hate the state she was in... Broken bones, tied up and completely and utterly shattered. She had drifted off to sleep now, shortly after I howled. Her garden and the edge of the forest kinda just connected, and it would be amazing if it weren't for the fact that the piece of the forest it connected to was rouge territory. I sunk further into the bushes as a man appeared from the back door. He started walking over to Samanthas still paralyzed body and began taking his clothes off. My skin started to crawl at the thought of what he was about to do. He untied Samanthas arms and took the remeinder of his clothes off, I was about to attack when he turned into his wolf form and ran into the woods ...

I couldn't believe my eyes. He was a werewolf. Surprisingly, not just any werewolf. Samanthas step-parents were super rouges. Which means that they are the leader of rouges, they could have ripped Samantha apart in seconds but they haven't... Why not? Not that I want him to rip her apart. I was just curious why the super rouge would just keep around a weak human teen. It was suspicious. By the time I had gone into the thought he had already taken Samantha back into the house, but for what reason I don't know.

My phone buzzed in my trousers laying beside me and I turned back into my human form to answer it. It was Jesse.

"Hey Jess what's up dog"
"krina I swear you call me that once more I'll-"
"OK OK, don't get your fur in a bunch, what's up? "
"did you find her?"
" I believe 'her' has a name"
"krina don't mess around! Did you find her or not?"
"I did... "
"well?! Where is she? Is she OK?"
"I need to speak to your dad"
"what?! Krina just tell me! Is she OK? What's happen-"

I cut him off. I don't know why he insists on using the phone when he can mind link through the pack. But meh... Right now I just had to get to Alpha Wild. Which of course is just his nickname, why would you call your son wild? Anyway. I pushed my phone back into my trouser pocket which were still lying on the floor and turned back into my wolf form. It would be faster this way. My bones clicked into place and I grabbed my clothes in my mouth. Then I began rushing through the woods trying to avoid rouges and get to the pack house as soon as I could.

When I reached the pack house I ran straight through the door as someone was opening it, still in my wolf form. I had to get to my room and get changed as soon as I could so I could talk to the alpha. "Hey watch it muddy paws!" the Luna cried. Oops, she'd just washed the floor I totally forgot she was doing that today. But she's so kind she won't mind ... too much. I skidded across the laminate flooring trying to reach the stairs, it seemed like I was on a treadmill... Sorry Luna! I mind linked. No worries. She replied, what's the rush?
I really need to speak to alpha, it's important. I remarked and changed back into my human form in my room, keeping the mind link open in case she wanted to know more. Precides it's rude to cut off the Luna.

Once I had my clothes on I rushed to the alphas office and paused. Knock idiot! My wolf hissed at me. Oh shut up or I'll get you spayed! I hissed back. Then it went quiet. I politely knocked at the alphas door as he said, " just come in krina my wife has said you have something important to tell" I rushed in and began telling him what I had seen. "I found the leader of the rouges!" I blurted out. I thought I was going to get congratulations, but instead he said, " what was you doing there?!" I was trying to get my words together but I didn't know how to put it... "I sent her there!" I heard a voice from behind me. Of course... Jesse.
"they have my mate, don't they krina" he said, glaring at me. I froze. And now the alpha too, was staring. "yes..." I said, hanging my head low. "Wait! What!" the alpha screamed. "you found your mate and she's already been captured?" The alpha = not happy... "where do they live?" he continued. Then Jesse spoke, "dad wasn't you listening? They are the leader rouges!"
"And we are the Silvermoon pack! Now go get your best men! We will ask help from the Shimmermoon pack. "

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