Chapter 23

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Samis P.O.V

I swirled round in the black leather chair. Spinning around and around and around...
Me and Jesse were sitting in his office but I, as usual, was getting bored.


"Mmh?" He replied, not even looking up from his paperwork.

"I'm bored..."

I continued spinning but he still didn't look up.

"What are you doing? What could possibly be more important than me?" I stopped as i did a toothy grin.

Finally, Jesse spared a glance, but he only moved his eyes. His head didn't move a centimetre. I was still looking at him but my smile had gone and it was now replaced by a frown.
Jesse dropped down his pen and leaned back in his chair, letting out a loud sigh.

"Fine..." He said, rubbing his face with his hands. "Wanna know a cool fact?"

"Sure. Throw it at me...." I slumped back in the chair. "It's not like there's anything better to do..." I mumbled.

"Did you know that werewolf packs normally name themselves after the first alphas family name?"

"No ... no i didn't." I admitted, "Wait, does that mean your last name is Silvermoon?"


"That's a weird name. But I never remember you being called that at school." I have gave him a questioning look.

"That's because I told all the teachers to say just Silver. I don't really like being called Silvermoon. Don't tell my dad though he'll go nuts."
It sounded pretty reasonable to be mad, so I won't tell him.

"Anyway," he continued, "as you're bored do you want to come do some minor business that my dad keeps meaning to do?"

Well, I suppose it's better than being bored. After all how hard can it be? It's not going to be hard at all thinking about it, Ace dosnt want Jesse doing much hard business. He wants me and Jesee to be 'enjoying ourselves before he becomes alpha.' Which won't be for a few years now but people still insist on calling him one.

"Ok then, let's be off." Jesse spoke as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.


The car ride wasn't too bad. It was only about an hour maybe two away. Jesse pulled up on the side of a road and hopped out, I followed soon after.

"Where are we?" I looked around. All that was here was forest, nothing else, much like where we had come from.

"You'll find out..." he said as he wandered off into the woods. I just continued to follow.

We had been walking for about 5 minutes when I saw a wolf. It was brown with specks of red, it was beautiful. Jesse saw me looking at it and smiled, then looked towards the wolf and nodded. The wolf nodded back.
I almost felt terrified,but then I remembered who I am and who I'm with.

I'll get used to this I swear...

Not long after, we reached a massive house a bit bigger than our pack house, but it was just as beautiful. Respectively, we walked up the steps to the front door and I stopped expecting Jesse to knock. But no... He walked straight in!

The inside was very different to ours but still wonderful. I still followed Jesse as he walked around as if he owned the place, we passed many other people but they wernt fazed that we were there they just gave us polite smiles.

Eventually we reached an office that was bigger than Jesses and very different. Two people, a man and a woman, were sat in there on a sofa on the right side of the room, they were around Jesses parents age.

"Hello!! Welcome home!!" The woman screamed while running up to me.

I stared wide eyed at Jesse looking for an answer. There was none.

What's going on?
Is this a joke ?
I need answers... NOW


Hope you enjoyed, I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been busy with exams...

-Gem 💎

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