Chapter 21

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Samis P.O.V

Sadly, my ride had ended and I had to drop down of Rax's back before we reached the pack house door.
"Who's the injured were?" Jesse asked as he leapt through the door. Rax just looked away from me, Jesse and the girl he was holding, staying completely silent leaving me to answer.
"Ummm, I'm not quite sure. I found her in the woods over there." I gestured to the far away forest that we had came from.

Jesse stared wide-eyed at Rax, "you let her go into rouge territory? That's the complete opposite I wanted you to do!" He growled.

"Alpha I'm so sor-"

"It wasn't his fault I ran off from him." I interrupted, unaware that I'd just let Rax in for a whole load of trouble.

As I said it Rax winced and Jesses glare became hard.

"So not only did she go into rouge territory in your protection, she also out ran you?!" Jesse yellled down at him, crossing his arms over his (very muscular) chest.
This time Rax just stayed silent.

Jesse strolled up to Rax and took the were from his arms, she was still unconscious. He looked down at her as he turned away and walked towards the door. His expression looked confused.

We both followed Jesse as he wondered down the hallways in front of a mahogany door.
"Oh, Sami, down that hall is the kitchen. Under the sink is a big first aid kit. Can you go get it?" He asked as he nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen.

"Rax, you can go upstairs and wait in my office." He added.
Rax looked up, shock plastered on his face.
"But alp-"
"Now..." He interrupted him, giving him a quick smile before turning to open the door.

Rax shot me a dirty look that was filled with worry as he walked past me. I stood where I was, thinking of the scene that just took place.
"Sami? The kit?" Jesse said, waking me from my trance.

"Oh, yeah." I answered, heading towards the kitchen. Why did Rax look so worried ? Was the question that kept spinning round my mind.

I found the kit and brought it back to Jesse. The girl was still out cold, but the alcohol we found in the first aid kit would help her wounds heal even faster than they would normally for a were. It was a bonus that she was unconscious while we would be doing it, she won't feel any pain.


A few hours had passed and the girl was still unconscious, but at least her wounds had almost healed.

Jesse dissapered upstairs to his office about a hour and a half ago to talk to Rax, I'm not sure what's taking him so long.

A slight whine sound happened making me jult my head towards it. The girl was beginning to wake up. Suddenly, and quite scarily, she shot up from the sofa that she was laying on and tried to stand, only to collapse shortly after.
I rushed over to her and helped her back on to the sofa. Her cuts we now just replaced by bruises and some scars. She adjusted her flannel shirt sleeves and hugged herself tight, curling into the corner of the sofa.

"Hang On, I'll go get Jesse." I said as I ran up the stairs, tripping on the last few but managing to stop myself from falling on my face.

"JESSE?!" I called out, still running.

"I'm in here", I heard him shout three doors down.

Rax came storming out of the office, giving me a dirty look once again, this time however he had a split lip. A little blood came trickling to his chin.

I couldn't help but stare for a while.

I strode into Jesses office and looked at him, he looked so innocent. I was about to speak but my words got a bit muddled ...

"You downstairs Rax' s lip woke up!" I screamed, then realised what I sounded like a cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry what was that ?" Jesse chuckled, raising an eyebrow at me. He sat at his desk and looked up at me.

I grew red as I had to choose what matter I wanted to bring up first. After a few seconds I chose...

"The girl has woken up, she's scared and I want you down the're with me. I'm not sure what to do." I spoke, Jesse raised from his seat and followed me out the door.

We got half way down the corridor and I dashed in front of him. "What did you do to Rax!?" I screached at him, making him jump back a bit.

"Nothing... what are you on about?"

I swung a punch and got him right in the gut, making him take deep heavy breaths.

"Don't lie to me!", I screamed. "He came out moody and with a bleeding lip!"

I swung another punch, this time hitting his stomach.






pun- he caught my fist and spun me around, holding my back against his stomach.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes" I said, struggling against his hold. Unfortunately, he has a better grip than Rax.

"Ok" He said, he released me and looked into my eyes.

"I was finished talking to him, went to send him on his way, he turned around and forgot he hadn't closed the door and how close he was to it. He walked right in to the edge of it-"

He had to pause because of his laughter.

"He h-he split his lip open and when I started laughing he got so moody"

He continued to laugh, and now, I began laughing too.
Jesse took a deep breath and continued...

"When he heard you calling me he wanted to seem 'big' I guess and told me not to tell you, but I suppose that failed."

We burst out laughing again, holding onto each other.

"A-aha, oh my God. I thought something serious happened, hah."

"That's what he wanted you to think."

We both calmed down and wiped out eyes.
Then both looked at each other and said, "the girl!"


Hey, hope you enjoyed this Chapter, sorry once again for the slow update.


-Gem 💎

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