Chapter 30

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Jesse's P.O.V

I knew what they wanted, and if it ment that Sami ran free, they will get it. But there was still one thing in the way, I dont know who 'they' are, and Sami was now too far away to mindlink.
But I will find who has her, and they will die.

Samis P.O.V

Sam had left, it was just me and my thoughts, but I think they could do more damage to me than he ever could.

What if he was right? Was Jesse just using me?

The thoughts rushed round and round my head ... How could words from his vile mouth sound so true?

The smell of mildew grew stronger and the image of rain dripped into my mind. Which triggered off a different feeling ... I really needed to pee. Yet no one but me was in the room. But I doubt my door was left unguarded, and there was only one way to check.

"Heyyyyyy!" I screamed, but there was no response.
I took a deep breath of the damp air before trying again, there must be a better way of getting their attention.
"Oi, mutt !" In less than 2 seconds a well built man tore through the door, his face scrunched up with rage.
"You are in no place to call me a mutt! You dirty, abandoned, useless dog! What do you want?!"

He stopped right in front of me, his fists clenched.

I decided to skip over his
half-assed insults and get my problem sorted. "I need to pee." I answerd, looking up at him.
He huffed in response shortly before turning around, walking out and slamming the door.

"Hey!" I yelled after him, but he ignored me. Then a few seconds later there was shouting outside my door, and Sam appeared. He stood at the door while the man I called mutt approached and went behind me. He fiddled with the handcuffs and took them off. "Thanks mutt." I whispered, he hit my bleeding wrists in response. "Owe!" I grumbled.

"Perro! We're not to harm her, yet." Sam bellowed.
Perro growled at me. "Woof..." I mocked. He disappeared from my sight as Sam said," Samantha, I would note I said 'yet'." I bit my tounge and he smirked.

Perro came back with a bag and drifted over to me before shoving it over my head. It smelt like dirt and rotten food, I began to feel nauseous. He chuckled to himself and pushed me up from the chair. My legs collapsed under my weight after not being used from some time, I tried to stop myself by throwing my hands in front of me, but my bloody wrists bent backwards and my head hit the floor.

Tears covered my eyes and soaked the sack over my head.

I'm really beginning to hate this place...


Hey, I know I haven't written in a long time and I'm really sorry. Its also short but I need to get used to writing again. But after only getting a C in my stats exam, feeling I did really bad in my 2 maths exams as well as science and English I have tried to do more revising. So I will try and update more.

-Gem 💎

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