Chapter 27

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Samis P.O.V

Startled, I awoke in a dark room. Not just dark, pitch black. All I could see was cracks of light shining outside of a silhouette of a door.
My wrists were tied around the chair I was sitting on, adding to the pain already around them from earlier.

I started thinking. All the things I'd done wrong, all the ways I've hurt people. Tears ran down my already stained cheeks.
Crying wouldn't get me anywhere. "Get a grip of yourself!" I screamed, getting frustrated at myself. I let my head drop, I didn't want to be here.

"Oh come now, you've never had a grip... You've always been mad." The voice was coming from the shadows, a voice that was familiar.

"W-who are you?" I wiped my tears on my shoulder, tiping my head at an awkward angle.

"I'm sure you know that."

"No, I dont. Show yourself you coward!" Rage grew inside of me.

The door jerked open letting light flood in. I had to squint my eyes to see who was coming through. Slowly, as the man walked through the door was half closed, covering half of the person's face with shadows and the remaining half revealed by the light.
Two more people remained behind the door. The person that walked through the door was a man, slightly shorter than Jesse but almost as strong looking. He had blood on his one visible hand, I just hoped it was his.

The voice from the shadows sounded again, "You gonna bring him in or not?!"
The man reacted almost instantly by swinging the door open, letting light in once more.

A man from behind the door was holding onto another who had his head dropped low. He was covered in dirt and dried blood that trailed from his neck to his handcuffed hands. He wore a short sleeve top that revealed deep cuts up his arms. The man that held onto him pushed him fowards, making the wounded man stagger towards me.

The man who came in first flicked a switch, a few seconds later a small spot of light shon from the ceiling. The small swinging bulb glowed yellow and revealed the dirty concrete floor beneath me, but didn't reveal the man in the shadows.

The handcuffed man raised his head, showing his brown eyes that matched his matted brown hair. He fell to the floor with a umff and his breathing became heavy. The other two pulled him up slightly so he kneeled on the floor.

The shadow man stepped forwards. Making me twist my head ready to see who it was. But suddenly, the brown haired man coughed sharply, he was trying to say something. The shadow man stopped walking fowards, letting just his legs touch the light.

Between coughs the wounded man spoke. "S. S-sami." His head dropped low again, then the men holding him upright released him, letting his body fall to the floor. Both glared at me, and if i could see the shadowed man I expect he was too. Everyone was silent; i was shocked. How did he know my name? I'd never seen him before.

"You know him?" The shadow man asked. I could have sworn I'd heard his voice somewhere.

"N-no. I have never seen him before." I remained confused.

"Well he knew your name. So either you are lying to me or he gave a really good guess." He sounded impatient, but I didn't know why, "which is it?!"

"I swear I never knew him!" I screamed. I was fed up, I dont even know why I am here. Why these people want me or what they are going to do.

Then the shadow man stepped towards me again and said, "but you remember me right?"

I looked up and stared wide-eyed. I knew I'd heard the voice before.

But why? It made no sense...

... Sam ...


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-Gem 💎

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