Chapter 9

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Jesse's P. O. V

It's been almost 2 weeks now. When we reached the doctors they got increasingly worried about Samanthas condition, her body was abused so badly and she had no energy, she was completely exhausted. Unfortunately, they had to put her straight into a medically induced coma. Werewolfs normally heal extremely quickly and spend no more than a week in a medically induced coma, which is why I've began to become more and more worried. My precious mate, she can awake at any moment. So that's why I'm sat here, in a cosy private room, watching, waiting for her to awake. I looked up at the heart monitor going at a nice steady beat, eventhough, if I wanted to I could just listen for her heart beat. It's been days since I've had some proper sleep. Just because this room is the best as Samantha will be the new Luna as she is my mate, it doesn't mean I'm comfortable sleeping here. My eyes became heavy, but I couldn't go to sleep, I couldn't have my mate here and me just fall asleep.
'Don't fall asleep!' my wolf chanted, 'you can't!'
"oh hush, I'm not going to." I replied with a sigh. The door creaked open as a little figure appeared, it was Cody, my 4 year old brother. "Jesse?" he chirped, "mama said to go home and get some sleep." He looked up as though he wanted something. "Well tell her I'm not going home, not until Samantha wakes up."
"No Jesse!" He screamed, "if you don't go now I don't get ice-cream!" and he began stomping. "You let mum bribe you with ice-cream? Really? Well I'll get you two if you leave me alone and go back home to mum." Then another figure appeared coming through the door, this time it was my mum, "Jesse I'm allowed to bribe him using ice-cream you're not." she said holding her arms out to Cody. "Muma, Jesse said-"
"I know what he said baby" my mother interrupted. "Mum I can't go, I'm not leaving Samantha here alone. " I butted in, taking my attention back to Samanthas sleeping body.

Well long story short I'm home after arguing half an hour with my mum. She always wins, even with my dad who is the alpha. But very soon I'll be taking over his position along with Samantha as Luna. I'm sure she'll be awake soon, and now I'm not there. I left on one condition, every 10 minutes the doctors have to update me on Samanthas condition. But for now I decided to get some well needed sleep, despite hateing the fact that I'm away from my mate.

I was startled awake by my mother crashing into my room. "Jesse?! Jesse get up right now!" she yelled. "W-what? What's up? What time is it?" I said sleepily, rubbing my eye. "I'll tell you details on the way. Samanthas missing." she answered, but I had already began sprinting down the stairs.

Samanthas P. O. V

Where is everyone? By my surroundings I can tell im in a hospital, but I don't know who brought me here or how, or even why. My body ached all over. I hate hospitals, I've always hidden my injuries so I'm not about to let a herd of doctors poke and examine my ugly, broken body. I looked out the window beside me and judging by the clouds and flock of birds I could see I guessed I'm not near the ground. My rib and ankle felt so much better so I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and leave. Straight away I started unplugging the wires connected to my body including the needle leading fluid into me. Alarmed, I jumped in the air as alarms began ringing in my ears. Of course, unplugging the heart monitor lead ment it had no heart to monitor, so to the machine I was dead. I quickly hid under the bed as doctors came flooding into the room. I could see them running round in circles screaming, "Where is she?" and "Oh my, the alpha is going to be so mad we lost the Luna. We lost his mate!" Luna? Mate? What's happening? I wondered, but nothing made sense anymore. When they left running out the room I made my move. I began walking out the door checking both ways to make sure no one was there, then I followed all the signs saying exit, following them down the corridors and stairs. It was a close call when some of the doctors that where in my room came towards me but, luckily, they didn't see me and went down a different way .

Jesse's P. O. V

As I reached the doctors I could see one of the search parties set up outside. When I got close to them they said, " Alpha! We are so sorry, but we will find her! We just need your help, you have the best sent of her as we hardly know her... So-"
"Oh COM'ON!" I yelled. "we're wasting time I need to find her!" And at that moment we all went behind a different tree to take our clothes off and change to our wolf form. Then, they all started following me. It was easy to pick up her unmistakable sent, it was cinnamon and roses, the most beautiful thing I've ever smelt. So soon I'm sure we should find her...

🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾🐺 🐾

Hey guys thanks for continuing to read my story! Hope you enjoyed it. Love ya all ❤❤
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