Chapter 16

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Jesses P.O.V

I had to get out of that hospital. There was no way in hell that i was going to watch my mate in pain and terror.

'Jesse, darling, come back Sami needs you.' My mothers mindlink broke through.
'I can't.' I responded.
'Jesse if you dont get back here right now your brother will be the next alpha!' My father joined in.
'You can't do that!' I yelled through.
'Jesse please...' My mother pleaded.

I was now battling the two of them; there was no way to reason with them both.

'Argh! Fine!' I snapped, 'i'll be there soon'
'Well where are you?' My father asked.
'Dont worry... I'll be there soon.'
I said, there was no way i was going to tell him where i was.

Samis P.O.V

The clock soon got boring to look at... Theres only two things it says at thats tick and tock. My body is aching so bad and im getting really tired now, the alpha said that he'd be back with Jesse soon but he has been taking ages.
I tried shifting back then remembered... No one told me how to shift back! I lifted myself onto my four paws and remembered what i had been told to be abke to shift, hopefully i can just do the opposite.

I pictured my bones clicking back into place and me being human again (or whatever i am). I just want to get out of this wolf. My bones began clicking! I was so excited i lost all concentration and it stopped.
I noticed someone was laughing in the room but i saw no one around me and the doctor left to talk abiut somthing privately. Then i realised somthing....

I was the one laughing !

It was my wolf. My wolf, who was in control, was going hysterical. 'What are you doing?' I asked my wolf, but there was no response only more laughing.

Jesse, alpha, luna and the doctor came bursting through the door. "What are you laughing about?" Asked Jesse with a curious look. "She's not!" The doctor began panicking and running over to me and my still hysterical wolf. "Her wolf has taken over compleatly... BUT, there is a chance we can get Samantha back." my wolf was still going mad.

Jesses P.O.V

The bed railings were slammed down and doctors began picking up Samis still hysterical wolf. Her wolf frantically wiggled out of their grip and flopped to the floor, rushing towards the door. "Shut the door!" One doctor yelled, making another leap towards the door. Samis wolf sprung under the doctor and out the door, the tip of her tail just missing the jaws of the door.

"Go get her !" My father yelled, sending doctors scrambling out the door and through the hall ways.
"There she is!", "get her!" and "go that way!" could all be heard throughout the hospital.

"careful!" My father shouted after them, "she's still your next luna!"

I decided to join in, i needed her to shift back not just go running through the hospital.
I watched her darting under doctors legs, through hallways and trip up other doctors and nurses who got in her way. I have to give it to her she is fast!

But we need to fight fire with fire.

I turned into my wolf, feeling every bone crack and shift. I used my heightened hearing and sense of smell to be one step ahead of Samis wolf.

After 2 hours of rushing through the hospital with doctors we cornered Samis wolf. There she stood facing us, snarling and showing her teeth. Sami must be so frustrated right now, she cant do anything accept go along with her wolf.
I stood infront of the doctors trying to calm her down.
"Sami?", i soothed,"please... You need to try and shift, you need to stop your wolf." Her wolf continued to growl and bare her teeth but in her eyes i could see sami, the amount of terror in her eyes. The doctors behind me were still ready for action, holding needles full of god knows what, probably a relaxant of some kind.

Samis wolf began running at us then lunged at me, aiming for my head. I ducked as she came inches from my face, flying into the doctors arms. They held her down while another said,"Sorry luna..." and jabbed the needle in her neck.

"What exactly is in those needles?" i asked.
"Oh thats strictly need to know, sorry." The doctor answered.
"Um, im alpha and you just jabbed it in, my mate, and your lunas neck."
"Oh, yeah... Um... No." He responded and walked off.

Sami was still lying on the floor, her breathing slowly calming down. Gently, i pulled her onto my lap as she looked me in the eyes. For maybe the first time her mindlink connected to mine, a tear rolled down her furry cheak as she said,
'help me.'

Bit short again i know sorry but i got out the flow of writing.... Sorry for the (very) slow update.

-Gem 💎

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