Chapter 12

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Jesse's P. O. V

So that could have gone better. I didn't really know it what other way to put it. "So Sami there's good news and strange news, your safe now and ready to go home, but I'm a werewolf and so are you." I began rehursing out loud. It was a shock to me to though, I thought sami was human and that I'd have to turn her. Why would her parents give her up? It's against most packs rules to give up a pup and if the parent dies it goes to the pack orphanage or relatives. It's just such a mystery. I guess I just have to wait till she wakes up again, I need something to soften the blow or she might just pass out again or cry, it breaks my heart to see her like this. Sami is still so exhausted and quite frankly she's weak. Unfortunately, she needs to come back in a few days so doctors can examine her when she's stronger. But I think she's beginning to wake up now.

Sami's P. O. V

Once again I woke up in hospital. I just want to leave this dreadful place. I blinked a few times to clear my eyes and looked at Jesse, he was just sitting there, giving me a soothing smile. "Hi" he said, still smiling. "Hi?" I replied, somthing dosn't seem right ... What's he up to? "So," he continued, "have you finished with your questions? Can I ask mine now?"
"Jesseee..." I whined, "I've just woken up!" I was still tired, even after all the sleep I've had.
"Your right, your right." He said, then he continued to look at me like a pup wanting food. There was about 10 seconds of silence and I just couldn't take his looks anymore and said, "Oh fine! What do you want to know?" Beginning to get annoyed. "Well only if your sure... " He remarked. "Jesse don't annoy me I swear I'll get you neutered!" I shouted, glaring at him. "OK! OK! First question, where your parents rouges?" Jesse asked.
"Where they what? What's a rouge?" I responded, a rouge? What's he on about? "A rouge as in rouge werewolf... You know... Cut from a pack? Like when a police officer goes rouge." He said, trying his best to get me to understand. I think I get it. "OK... " I spoke, "well I don't know they died, I don't remember anything. And wait, how could they be rouge Werewolfs but I'm not Werewolf?"
"Well that's easy!" He said, "You are a werewolf!" I froze. "Ummm I don't think so" I snorted. "Ummm well I do, we ran some tests. But we couldn't find who your genetic parents were cos your DNA broke the machine. Anyway I have two easy things to prove it and an easy way to see if your rouge." This was so much to take in, but I was curious. Am I really werewolf? "Fine!" I said, "Prove it. How can you prove Im a werewolf?"
"OK then first off, back at school you could smell my cologne couldn't you?"
"Yeah and what" I said.
"That's impossible for a human! I hadn't had that on for two days and I had shower twice since then! Yet you could still smell it... " He responded, sounding a little smug. I just shrugged. "Then on to the second, before the last time you passed out and I showed you my wolf I didn't tell you to open your eyes."
"Yes you did I heard you! Don't try to lie and confuse me!" I Screeched. "No. I didn't tell you, wolf's cant speak... I mindlinked you." He seemed so caring now, and he was so patient talking to me even when I was shouting at him. "Oh." I said. "So I'm really a werewolf?" I felt so much calmer now. "Yes." He answered, "and I have an easy way to see if your rouge."
"OK then let's do it." I was alot more eager to do it now. "But wait... What if I am rouge? What will happen to me?" I was kind of worried , and it didn't really help when Jesse said, "I don't know... But that's somthing we will have to
discuss if you are. "
"Fine" I said, "so what do we have to do."

We had packed all our stuff up and gone home. It was massive! But Jesse told me that it's the pack house and more than 100 people live here, but they are normally out anyway. It looked very cosy and expensive, so much different to what I'm used to. Jesse assured me that I'd be safe here as there were patrols guarding the territory and worriors all around the place at all times. I was still looking around the place when Jesse spoke, " so, you get cosy and later we will find out if you are rouge. " Then he led me to a nicely decorated bedroom. "For now this can be your room and at a later date you can join me in my room, you know if you would like." Well this was a bit awquard, I mean I've only just met him. And I'm only 16 in just under 2 months. "Sure" I said not even realising what I have just said. I gave him a big hug. He was taller than me and- oh my he has such a defined six pack I can feel it through his top, I was holding on to him for a bit to long so he said, "You happy there?" letting a little giggle escape his mouth. "Hah oh yeah sorry" I said immediately letting go of him. "Well you get cosy I'll be back soon" he told me before walking off down the hall. My (now I know what it is) wolf whined as we watched him walk away. I walked Into my room and closed the door, only to jump when someone came bursting through it. "Luna!" The voice squeaked, it was the girl who was wearing my clothes. "Hey. And you don't need to call me Luna, I'm just like you." I said to her. "Ugh I don't think so! You the next luna! Not a no body like me" she said with a giggle. "Oh and here are you clothes, I had them washed, sorry about that " she put the clothes she had worn when she helped me on the bed. "It was fine, you helped me. Thanks." I whined as I looked at her, my mind going back to that day. "Anyway youre looking much better" she said, then paused.
" well I should let you get settled in I'll see you later." Then she went to walk out the door, "Oh and I forgot my name is Krina. So urm ... See ya!" she finished and walked down the hall. She seemed nice...

I laid on the bed feeling how soft it is. I don't wanna get too cosy incase it turns out I am a rouge. I might go to sleep for now though....


Hi! I hope your enjoying my story, sorry it's getting later and later for me to update.
Byeeee 👋

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-Gem 💎

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