Chapter 20

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Samis P.O.V

Those days in heat felt like the lonnnnnggggggeeeesssssstttttt days in my life. EVER. I didn't realise what a pain I was being until it was all over.
For the first time in ages Jesse was able to do some work, but not having him by my side like he was the past few days felt awful.
I made a quick plan, a really quick plan... I laid on the floor, curled up in a ball and hugged myself tightly.
"JESSE!" I screamed, before making sure I was in the right position.

Loud footsteps came running down the hall shortly before the door was tore open, almost coming off its hinges.
"What is it?!"He panicked, falling to the ground in front of me. "What's happened?" His voice sounded shaky.
"Nothin',"I said cooly as I spread out on the floor making a star fish shape, "just wanted you to come here by ma sideee" I sang.

"Ugh..." he groaned as he raised from the floor.
"No ! Don't leave !!" I yelled, attempting to pull him back to the floor but sadly, failing.
"Awww you're cute when you're mad..." He said, using the same voice he does for Cody, "but I gotta go." He finished as he began walking to the door.
I leapt up to stop him and grabbed his arm, once again trying to pull him to the ground. Yet instead, my rear end dangled in the air as it failed to touch the floor.

Jesse was unbelievably strong and his six pack looked like sections of a Hershey bar.

He looked down at me with a smirk, failing to conceal a little chuckle.

"If you really want to do something why don't you go wander about for a while. You know, get to know the pack grounds." Jesse remarked.

"Fine, but you're coming with me!" I replied quickly.

"Sami I have work to do, but don't worry you won't be alone, I'll get Rax to go with you." He started walking with me still on his arm.

"Rax ?" I asked sarcastically, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, he happens to be a very good beta and warrior." He replied matter-o-factly.

"Oh I see, you think I can't protect myself !" I pouted as I let go of his arm, my body hitting the floor.

"No, you just don't know your way around." Jesse replied walking out the door.

Well... I guess I'm going to be hanging with 'Rax' for a while so Jesse can do some work. I've gotta say he is taking ageeesssss. Not to pull the Luna/Alpha card, but I thought everything fell before their feet. Rax is not making a good impression. Suddenly, he appeared as I was waiting for him outside the pack house. Rax walked over moodily, as though he was a child thats just been told off.

"Com'on let's get this over with" He moaned as he brushed past my arm.

"Excuse me? You are Rax right?" I asked, a little unsure.

"YES, and Jesse told me I have to take you around the grounds... After I said no he pulled the Alpha/Luna card. When I still refused he said he'd take away my title and ... Hey princess you comin' ?" He interrupted himself as he noticed I wasn't following.

"Yeah, Yeah, keep ya fur on." I hissed, "And it's Sami not princess." I cringed at the word.

"Whatever just hurry u-"

"Well maybe you shouldn't walk so fa-"

"Com'on princes-"

"Don't call me that!" I hissed so fast he couldn't interrupt.

We both sighed as we continued to walk side by side. I could only go a few seconds before I grew curious.

"So... Rax is a weird name, what does it mean?" I asked, looking up at him.

Rax had short but thick brown hair with brown eyes that almost appeared to be red. Pretty much maroon. He was tall, just not as tall as Jesse but just as muscley. I believe what Jesse said, he looked like a good warrior but I haven't yet seen his moves so I'm not so sure yet.

Rax looked at me and replied with, " Rax isn't my real name, it's a short version." Before looking away again. He watched the birds fly over head as I did too. I guess he sensed what my next question was going to be and signed once more, "my real name is Randall, ok... If you really must know." He mumbled the last part. He looked at me and continued, " it means wolf shield."

"Awesome." I commented, I wish my name ment something cool like that.

He stopped dead in his tracks making me look back and stop too. Rax or Randall crossed his arms and stared at me.
"Are there any more questions, Luna?" He asked snarkily.

I placed my hands on my hips and looked at the sky pondering the questions I could ask.
"Nahhhh, I'm good." I finally replied.

A scream tore through the forest nearby and Rax went on full alert and pounced closer to me.

I faced the direction of the scream and ran. I didn't just run, I sprinted.

"LUNA!!" I heard Rax roar as I flew away, it felt good to stretch.

I was able to spare a glance back and see that Rax the warrior was having a little trouble keeping up. His voice drifted off as I ran further ahead, darting between trees heading to the voice that held such pained cries.

Eventually, i reached a deep place in the forest. Every direction looked the same. Then I saw her. She was laying on the ground covered in mud and patches of blood. Rushing, I ran over to her and held her head, her eyes locked with mine for a second before they closed.

I shook her trying to keep her awake but it wasn't working, my hands were just becoming covered in blood.

"No no no no !" I screamed, "please stay awake!"

She was still breathing but it was slowing down. I started to feel sick to my stomach.
Suddenly, a large hand came crashing down on my shoulder.

"WHAT do you think you're doing?!" The voice was, luckily, only Rax. "Are you trying to kill me? 'Cos if I lost you that's what Jesse would do!" He yelled at me. Rax yanked me to my feet and tried/succeed in dragging me off.

"Wait! That girl. She needs help!" I shouted up at him.

"Look princess, right now, we are in rouge territory so if we dont leave now we will be attacked !" He yelled back giving me a sharp look.

"Do NOT call me princess and she desperately needs hel-"

"She is rouge !" He screamed, coming just centimetres from my face. I had to look away.

"So" I wimpered.

"So, she is rouge so we can't help her. We are a pack we can't tend to mongrels." He responded, continuing to drag me away from the dying she-were.

'Jesse, get ready for a guest. I found an injured were. I'm bringing her home.' I mindlinked.

Stealthily, I slipped from Rax' s death grip and ran back to the girl.
"Rax if you don't take her back I will." I said sternly as I began heaving her onto my back.

He groaned and held his head and waited a few seconds before saying, "Ugh fineee ."
He took her off my back and started carrying her bridal style in his arms.
I looked up at him and gave him a look.
"Go on then, jump up on my back." He sighed.

Awww he understands me so well.

Hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think on Randall (Rax) ... I like him.
It's a bit longer so YAY .


-Gem 💎

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