Only the Beginning

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Robert's POV

I heard the faint sound of the crowd cheering from behind me. We never knew the band would get this big, yet here we are at Madison Square Garden, getting ready to perform one of our most memorable concerts yet. The question was, were we up to it? 

I looked back at my fellow band mates as we were about to take our places on the bright stage. Jimmy didn't seem nervous at all. That was the Jim I knew, always laid back, not a care in the world. But then you had Bonzo, who was basically having a nervous breakdown in the corner over there. Touring was never his thing. 

I saw Jonesy in the corner of my eye, rushing towards Bonzo. He was the glue out of all of us I guess you could say. Jonesy always made sure that things didn't go too out of hand. Jonesy carefully approached him, and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, and just like that, Bonzo was quiet. 

Peter barged into the room, which made Jimmy leap up in anger. "God dammit Peter, do you know how to fucking knock?" Peter pushed the rude comment from Jim to the side and looked around the room, trying to address all of us at once. "Two minutes til showtime gentlemen, get on that stage now or I whip your bloody asses." He pointed to the door and I smirked. Our lives were about to change, for good.

Kat's POV

Music in my opinion? That was easy, The Who, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin of course. No music was better than that no matter what other people said. They did really mean a lot to me though. The creativity, you can just feel it flood the room when you listen to them. People call me crazy and always think that I am too obsessed with them, but there is no such thing.

I quietly sat under a tree with my friend Caroline near the huge stadium. Madison Square was massive compared to all the other places I've seen. I really wish that I could go inside and maybe catch a glimpse of Led Zeppelin. But I couldn't go, because I didn't have the money. It wasn't like I was poor or anything, it's just that I had other priorities. But still, I would do anything to get in there.

This tree was as close as I could get, the security guards near the entrance made that loud and clear. I guess it wouldn't be too bad as long as I could hear the music coming from inside. And I guess it was better than being crushed from other people in the crowd, unable to move. So I just sat under this large oak with my worn out notebook and began to draw. Caroline peered over my shoulder as my pencil danced across the paper. "Wow, you still have that thing?"

"What thing?"

"That old notebook. You've had it since freshman year of high school." 

I smiled, remembering the day that I first got this book. It was my birthday in mid October. My parents didn't throw me a party, because I asked them not to. I hate being the center of attention, if you know what I mean. But my father still felt really bad that we weren't celebrating. So, right before I was getting ready for bed, I heard a knock at my door. He came in with a small box covered in newspaper. Without saying a word, he placed the box on my desk, and left, like it never happened. My father was like that, not really good with words, so he mostly never said anything. I slowly tore the newspaper apart and open the box. And there in front of me, lay a notebook covered in new red leather. I didn't think much of it at first, but little did I know that I would have it with me for the rest of my life.

It was really getting late, and Caroline was starting to fuss. She got up and brushed the stray pieces of grass off of her jeans. "Are you coming?" she asked. 

I really did want to stay, I would wait lifetime if I could, but all I did was give her a vague shrug. She rolled her eyes, "Kat, I'm getting tired, and so are you, we should just go back to the apartment."

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