My Bad...

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Robert's POV

I didn't think that Kat would come back. I thought she hated me since she yelled at me and told me off earlier. But I was wrong, again, Kat was just so unpredictable. I fixed myself up a bit, since I looked like I got hit by a fucking train. I splashed my face with some cold water, ran my fingers through my hair, and smoothed out my wrinkled shirt, in a matter of just forty seconds. I had my hand on the door knob, ready to just bust it down and take Kat in my arms. But it would never slip my mind that there was something between her and Jimmy, and there always has been.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, not sure what was waiting for me on the other side. There, clear as day, was Kat with her arms folded across her chest and her eyes filled with pain. When I saw the look in those eyes, I wish I could take back every bad thing I've done to her, but reality kept me from doing so. 

"Hey," she mumbled. 

"Hi." There was complete silence after that. Neither of us knew what to say. It was way beyond awkward. 

Kat rocked back and forth on her heels, her hands folded behind her back. "So..." I folded my hands in front of me and looked out of the corner of my eye, trying to avoid eye contact with her. "Robert?" I looked directly into her eyes, breaking the promise I had just made to myself. "Yes?"

"I understand that you're angry with me, or that you probably don't wanna be with me anymore, I just want you to know that I'm really sorry." She looked down at her feet, tapping her shoes together like she was Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. "I should probably go," she mumbled and she turned to leave. If she was any ordinary bird, I would have let her leave, but today was a different story. "Wait, Kat." She stopped at the sound of my voice and slowly turned back around to face me. "I know you're sorry, and I still want to be with you."

"You do?" I nodded, giving her a half smile. "So you forgive me, Robert?"

"Forgiven and forgotten, now give me a hug, Kitty Kat." She rushed up to me and gave such a big hug that even Bonzo couldn't top it. But it was nice holding her in my arms, I missed it so much. "You forgive me too, right?" I said while still in an embrace. She pulled away, "For what? You did nothing." I stuffed my hands in my pockets, "Well, I did kinda hint towards breaking up with you, didn't I?" Kat gave me a small shrug, "Yeah, but now I know that you're not gonna leave me." I gave her a small smile, "I could never leave you."

There was another long pause. Nobody really knew what to do next. Kat obviously wasn't going to make the first move here, so I had to speak up. "Hey Kat, want to go and get a drink or something?"

"I'd love to."

"Great." I took her hand and we strolled down the hall as if nothing had ever happened. I loved that about our relationship, when something goes wrong we just drop it and move on. 

Jimmy's POV 

What the fuck did I just do? I just gave the one girl I ever wanted away to my best friend. Yes, I had to admit, it did sound crazy at first. It was probably one of the stupidest moves I have ever made and I would never forgive myself, but it was for Kat's sake. Let's face it, if Kat choose me over Robert, our relationship wouldn't have gone anywhere. I mean, I did love Kat, but Robert loved her more, and I didn't want to get in the way of that. I just had to push my feelings for Kat off to the side for now, and just move on.

I grabbed my guitar which was laying down next to the chair I was sitting in earlier with Kat. No Jimmy, don't think about her, it'll ruin everything, I told myself. But I couldn't stop thinking about her long wavy brown hair, her emerald green eyes, her adorable laugh, and her kisses. I wondered where she was, what she was doing, and who she was with at that moment. No, I told myself firmly, just focus on something else besides Kat.

I looked down at the guitar in my lap and just strummed random chords that came to mind. I tried so hard to focus on the music, but my mind could not stop thinking of Kat. I got so mad at myself, I just couldn't take it. How could I even distract myself? 

I tried strumming a few more chords, but it just sounded like straight up crap. I tossed the ship onto the ground and set my guitar to the side. What can I do that would keep my mind off of her? I buried my head in my hands and just sat there, so stressed out. I just couldn't take it, this was eating me up inside. I got up and stormed out to the parking lot. I just stood there, my back leaning up against the wall. I looked up at the night sky and realized how oblivious I was to the world. It was so beautiful. I was so focused on birds and music that I never noticed everything else laid out in front of me. 

I shuttered as a cold breeze ran right past me. It was getting late, but that didn't stop me. I looked out into the parking lot and the sea of shiny cars. I had to clear my head, so I decided to take a small drive around. My eyes darted around the different vehicles, but the limo was not in sight. Robert must have took it to take Kat out for the night. I was about to give up and go back inside until I saw Robert red car, shimmering in the moonlight. I guess he wouldn't mind if I took it out for a quick spin, right? Plus, it would help me organize my thoughts to just take a calm drive.

I rushed back into the hotel and stumbled up the stairs. I ran down the hall until I caught the sight of Robert's room. Luckily, he left it unlocked, so I let myself in. I knew where he kept his keys, in the drawer by the bed. I pulled it opened and search  through all of the paper, pill bottles, and a lot of other junk until I caught the glimpse of the twinkling silver key. 

I snatched it up and ran all the way back to the parking lot. I needed a second to catch my breath and slow my heart rate from all of the running. I unlocked the car and hopped into the driver's seat. I adjusted my eyes to the glare of the headlights as I turned the key in the ignition. The car roared and jolted back a bit. I still wasn't sure that this was the smartest move, since I was semi-drunk and I had no license, but you could get away with anything these days, so it was fine.

I slammed my foot on the gas and the tires screech, sending the car forward. I drove my way out of the parking lot and onto the road, letting myself run wild. I forced my foot down on the gas as hard as I could. Again, not the smartest idea, but I was drunk so everything seemed like a good idea. I imagined myself driving through the country, the wind in my hair and no rules whatsoever. I was finally free.

I don't think that you should be day dreaming while driving, and I was about to find out why. Up ahead, there was a yellow Hidden Entrance sign. I payed no attention to it, since nobody would be out driving so late at night. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, came a green gremlin car, cruising down the entrance. I slammed my foot on the brakes, but I was going about 95 miles per hour, so there was no way I could slow down in time. 

I crashed right into the other car, sending my car backwards into a tree. I would never forget the sound I heard that night. The tires screamed as they skidded across the pavement and the crunching metal as it came in contact with the tree. Some of the windows busted and the glass came shattering down on me like raindrops. I covered my head to protect myself, but it wasn't enough. I got a small cut on my cheek and a very deep cut on my left arm from the exploding airbag in my face. There was blood soaking my shirt from my arm and a huge black and blue bruise on my knee. I felt sharp pain in the back of my neck and I couldn't feel the fingers on my left hand. The scenery around me began to blur a little bit, until my memory went blank and I was completely out cold.

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