Over the Hills and Even Farther Away

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Kat's POV

After breakfast, we all piled into the limo, still a little annoyed by each other. Jimmy had his back leaning up against Jonesy's shoulder and he was whistling a familiar song. I knew that song anywhere, it was "Over the Hills and Far Away". I began humming along with him and swayed gently with the beat of the music. Bonzo was passed out, his face pressed up against the window.. Jonesy smiled and snickered at our little band. Robert giggled and shook his head, then he opened his mouth to sing.

Many times I've lied and many times I've listen

Many times I've wondered how much there is to know...

Peter noticed our little group and smiled. Keep going, he mouthed. Robert flipped his golden curls out of his face and continued to sing.

Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings

I live for my dream, and a pocket full of gold...

When the song ended, we all broke out into laughs. Jonesy looked to my direction, "Not bad, for a beginner." 

"I've been singing for years, thank you very much." Jimmy smirked, "You're gonna need a lifetime to perfect whatever that was." Robert snorted as I swatted the top of Jimmy's head. "Okay then, lets hear you sing, Jimbo," I insisted. Jonesy shook his head in disagreement. "The last time he sang, the neighbors called and complained." Robert laughed, recalling the moment, "Yeah, Jim, remember? Those howling dogs could sing better than you." We all exploded into laughter, even Jimmy. I loved times like this, just hanging out with them, it made me feel special. 

"So, what else is there to do in this damn city?" I shrugged, "Basically everything. You name it, we can do it." A cheeky smile spread across Jimmy's face and I smiled, shaking my head. "Don't even think about it." Robert slapped Jim in the arm. "What?"

"Anyway..." I said, rolling my eyes. "There's a club here, I've heard that it is pretty awesome." Bonzo nodded, "I'm in for that." 

"Me, too."

"Same here."


I laughed at how hard Jimmy tried to hide his excitement, even though I could see it in his eyes. 

We pulled into the parking lot of the club when I noticed the silhouettes of groupies hanging out at the bar in the tinted window. I didn't know if I was up for this, but I couldn't back out now. The second we walked in, Bonzo darted towards a small crowd of girls, dragging Jimmy along with him. "Hey, wait!" Jonesy called as he tagged along with them. It was just me and Robert. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, embracing the awkwardness. He looked at me and nodded his head towards the semi- crowded dance floor, "Do you dance, darling?"

"Not really."


"I'll make a total fool of myself."

"It's not hard, I'll help you, I promise." That made me feel warm and fuzzy for some reason. Robert held out his hand to me and there was no possible way now that I could refuse, so I gave in. I took his hand and we made our way to the dance floor. 

My Generation (one of my favorite Who songs) was playing as we danced the fucking night away. He spun me around god knows how many times and I couldn't help but fall in love with him. Wait, what? I couldn't possibly be in love with a rockstar, that was stupid. Besides, there was no possible way that he had any actual feelings for me in any way.

When the song ended, the crowd clapped, myself included. My feet were so close to falling off at this point. I was about to make my way over to the table where Jim and Jonesy were sitting when I felt Robert grab my hand. "One more?"

"I don't know, Rob." He gave me a sad puppy dog face. "Please, Kat?"

"Okay, okay." He wrapped his arms around my waist as the lyrics to Love Tonight began to fill the room. Oh god out of all times to play a slow song. We gently swayed in unison to the soft music. "So... hows life been, Kat?"

"It's been awesome so far, being with you guys has been a blast."

"We have our moments."

"When are you leaving for Europe?"

"Two days."

"I wish this didn't have to end."

"Maybe it doesn't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"Come with us."

"Wait, what?"

"I mean come with us on tour, it'll be awesome, you'll love it trust me."

"I don't know, Rob."

"Please?... For me?"

"I--" I couldn't finish my sentence. The truth was, I would love to go on tour with them. But why me? And plus, I had so many things for me here in New York, should I just throw it all away on a dream? I gazed back at Robert, his blue eyes waiting for an answer from me. 

"I'll do it, I'll come with you."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course." He leaned in, "Thank you, Kitty Kat." I cringed at the name, "That's gonna stick isn't it?" Robert smiled, "You'll get used to it."

*It will get hot, I promise ;)

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