Dazed and Confused

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Kat's POV

I woke up to the sun burning the outside of my eyelids. My eyes fluttered open and I looked to my left. My eyes widened and I felt myself shutter when I saw Jimmy sleeping soundly beside me, one hand resting on his stomach and the other holding my hand. What the fuck happened last night? I can't remember a thing, I was too drunk. I guess you could say that I was Dazed and Confused. I smiled to myself at the pun. I always found someway of fitting a joke in there once in a while.

I glance over at Jimmy, his long black eyelashes shadowing the dark circles under his eyes. The poor thing, working his ass off every night to make everyone happy. I gently let go of his hand. I don't know why he was holding my hand anyway, I loved Robert and that was it, I didn't want to send him the wrong message. 

I yawned and stretched my arms to the sky. I got up, but was immediately knocked back down by an aching headache. I rubbed the side of my head, trying to subside the throbbing pain. "It helps if you use cold water," I heard a voice say softly behind me. I turned around and there was Jimmy, his black curls covering his face like it always did. He gave me a warm half smile and climbed out of bed. He gave himself a few slaps to wake him up. I smiled, "Good morning to you, too." 

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he laughed. "I'm kidding! Good morning, darling." He took my hand and kissed it like I was the Queen of England or something. Like I said a million times before, I felt really special. "I'm going to take a quick shower," I told him. "So the bathroom is off limits for the next fifteen minutes."

"You're so possessive." I gave him a theatrical sigh and chucked a pillow at him, hitting him right in the face. He wagged his finger at me like a child, "Now don't start that again." He tried to stay serious, but a smile broke out on his face. I laughed and ruffled his hair before making my way to the bathroom. 

I spent almost thirty minutes in the shower, way more time than I had thought. Occasionally, I heard Jimmy pounding on the door, pleading me to get out, but I would always shout back, "Almost done!" I got out of the shower and threw on my light blue bell bottoms, a plain white shirt, and my favorite black jacket with the fringes outlining the sleeves. I held my head over the sink and wrenched every drop of water out of my hair . When my hair was dry enough, I quickly braided it and threw it over my shoulder. I gave a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable enough and headed out the bathroom door. 

I walked out to find Jimmy, sitting on the edge of the bed lighting a cigarette. "Any left?" I asked. Without saying anything, Jimmy handed me a fresh cigarette and handed me his lighter. I held the cigarette to my mouth and lit it. I sat down next to him, blowing puffs of smoke into the air. Jimmy was daydreaming, I could tell by the way he was just staring off into space, not looking at anything in particular. We sat there quiet, until Jimmy broke the silence with a raspy voice. "Do you remember anything from last night?" The truth was, I didn't. Although I remember coming into the hotel and having a few drinks, but that was all. I shook my head and Jimmy sighed. "What happened?" I asked curiously. He turned to me and stroked my cheek, "Better off not telling you."

"Please tell me." Jimmy shook his head, making up his mind. "Why?" Jimmy sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I didn't care if I was getting on his nerves, I just had to know. "Don't worry dear, you'll find out someday... just not today." He was hiding something from me, and if he wasn't going to tell me, I was going to find out myself. 

I placed the rest of my cigarette in the glass ashtray on the dresser and sighed. I went over to Jimmy and gently put my hand on my shoulder, which sent an electric shock through my entire body. "I'm going to see Robert," I explained. All he did was nod and he traveled into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Did I do something wrong? What happened to the fun and loving Jimmy that I knew? I pursed my lips and looked to my feet, feeling somehow that this was my fault. His words echoed in my head... "Better off not telling you...", "You'll find out someday." He was right about one thing, I was going to find out.

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