Just Friends... For Now

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Jonesy's POV

I had no clue on what was going on, I just met the girl for goodness sake! But from what I have observed, she liked to draw, she loved the band, and Robert "doesn't" have any feelings for her, total bullshit. But she wasn't really my type, I must say. 

Kat had a really worried look on her face when she realized where she was. Yep, nothing like waking up in limo with three drunk rock stars and a golden haired god. I silently laughed at the thought, but I did feel a little remorse for her.

"Rise and shine, dear," Jimmy chimed. Bonzo chuckled, taking a few sips from the bottle of wine that was left in the limo. Kat frowned, "What the hell you guys..." Robert smiled and started explaining everything. "Sorry, but we-- well, I thought it would be rude to just leave you there alone." Bonzo smiled, "Aw, nice of you to include us, Percy." Robert just rolled his eyes and turned back to Kat. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, ya know." Robert turned to Jimmy and winked. Then, they turned to Kat with puppy dog eyes and sad little faces. I laughed a little because this is what they always did to get a stubborn bird to stay for the night. What the hell, might as well join in I guess. Kat smiled and shook her head, "Do you think I would really pass up the chance to hang out with you guys? I'm not insane, obviously I'm staying."

We were then pulling into the Mayflower Inn, and good timing too, whiskey was getting the best of Bonzo. I scooted over towards Jimmy, just in case. Peter turned to us from the front seat and starting addressing us again. "We don't have anymore time left to spare looking for a decent hotel, so this will have to do. Luckily they haven't heard about the reputation you guys have with hotels like these, and I'd like to keep it that way." All eyes turned to Jimmy, which pissed him off. "What? I haven't trashed a hotel room since 68." I rolled my eyes, "You threw a television out the window last week, Jim." He smiled, "I was doing them a favor, it was a piece of crap."

We all hurried into the lobby. It was pretty big, with a blue velvet carpet and white tinted walls, not bad in my opinion. But Bonzo disagreed, he was scanning the entire building with a disgusted look on his face, or maybe that was just the hangover talking. I noticed Peter talking to a man with short blonde hair behind the desk, he didn't look happy. Peter then motioned for us to come to him. He spoke in a hush tone, "They only have one room available for the six of us." Jimmy's eyes widened, "Hell no, I'm outta here." But before Jim could go anywhere, Kat latched onto his arm. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked vulnerably into her emerald green eyes, oh god here we go. Robert gave Peter a solemn look, "Tell them we'll take it." Six people, one room, a recipe for disaster.

Kat's POV

It was all surreal. I didn't think they'd want me there, but I was proven wrong in an instant. I tried to hide my excitement as we rode up three floors in the elevator, but I didn't think that worked because Jonesy was staring at me with a stupid look on is face. "You on something?" I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, it's a secret." I think he thought I really meant it because he stepped away from me a little. I laughed even more and gently placed my hand on his shoulder, "No, I'm joking." He sighed and smiled at me, "Thank god."

We finally reached the room, room 503, after like half an hour of getting lost at each corner. Jimmy threw his head back and moaned, displeased with the room I'm guessing. Robert snapped at him, "Stop acting like such a baby, it's not that bad." We all squeezed through the tight door, Jimmy still whining. The room was really small, with only one bed, and orange love-seat by the bathroom door, a little TV on a really unsturdy nightstand, and a small balcony that was overlooking the entire city. I heard Jimmy mumble something under his breath "You've got to be kidding me."

"Jimmy I swear to god if you complain one more fucking time then you are gonna sleep outside!" Robert shouted.

"It's better than in here." 

Aw fuck, they were already trying to rip each others' heads off. I tried to change the topic of conversation before there was an all out fight. "So, who is sleeping where?" Jimmy dragged over to the bed and sat in it, sinking into it. "If you expect me to sleep in this shit factory, then the least you could do is let me sleep on the bed." Robert rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Jim." Jonesy pointed to the bed, "There's enough room for two people to share the bed, just to save some of the space." Jimmy's eyes turned to me. Seriously? Did he really want me to sleep with him? "Shallow Jim, just shallow." Jimmy raised his eyebrows, "Is that a yes or a no?" I smirked, "Fine, I give in you bastard, just don't get any ideas." 

"Yet." Jimmy smiled and collapsed onto the bed, his thin, pale body sinking into the mattress like quicksand. I quietly slipped into the bathroom, getting ready for bed. I saw the hair-tie around my wrist and put my hair up, so it wouldn't be in my face when I was trying to sleep, even though it was difficult enough when the thought of Jimmy Page asleep right next to me lingered in my mind. I didn't bring any spare clothes, so I had to sleep with what I had on, my grey half-shirt, my slim black jeans, and my black leather jacket. I splashed my face with a little cold water, making sure this wasn't just a dream. I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, still in the bathroom. This was no fucking dream.

Robert's POV

I was trying to sleep on the orange love seat, but it was almost impossible. I closed my eyes, but all I saw were images from tonight replaying in my mind. I snapped out of my daydream when I heard the bathroom door close. It was Kat, I knew, getting ready for bed. I pulled the covers over my head, hoping she didn't notice me. I closed my eyes, still listening for the slightest sounds. Just then, I felt something carelessly thrown onto my face, it was a dark leather jacket. "Hey!" 

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there, Robert." Kat took the leather jacket back, hugging it to her chest. "Oh, it's fine." She smiled and gave me a hug. "What was that for?"

"For not leaving me, I forgot to thank you for that."

"I wasn't just gonna leave you," I leaned in closer and smirked, "I'm not Jimmy you know." She chuckled and I watched her green eyes twinkle. She leaned in a little closer, and I could feel her warm breath up against my face. She gazed into my eyes, like she was scanning my soul for something. Just then, Jimmy kicked open the door, a bottle of red wine under his arm. "Party time fellas!" Are you fucking kidding me Jimmy? Out of all moments, you had to pick this one to barge in on. Jonesy woke up, rubbing the tired out of his eyes. "Jimmy, it's 2 in the morning, can't it wait?" Jimmy jumped on the bed and forced the cork out of the bottle. "Rule number one, it is never ever too late for a drink." He smirked and began chugging the wine from the bottle. There was something seriously wrong with him.

I turned back to Kat and saw her giggling. "Jimmy, you're gonna kill yourself." she said as she walked over to him and tried to wrench the bottle out of his hand, but he weaseled it away. "Just go to sleep already, James," I scolded. I knew how much he hated his actual name, but it was the only way to get his attention. "But..."


"You guys are no fun." Jimmy threw the bottle up against the wall, shattering it. He pouted and fell backwards onto the bed, obviously drunk by now. I just rolled my eyes at his child like personality. It was something I loved and hated about him. 

I watched as Kat climb into the bed with Jim and felt and small pang of jealousy. I didn't know why. Did I even like Kat in that way? I didn't really know for sure, actually. All I knew is that I didn't want her in that bed with Jimmy. That was the thing about love... crazy, stupid love.

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