I'm Not Done With You, Babe

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Jimmy's POV

I was really upset that my chance with Kat was basically screwed. I was so stupid to think that she would want me after what happened the other night. She wasn't like the other girls, who would literally drop dead if I did the same thing to them. 

I wasn't going to give up that easily though, I'm not that stupid. Kat was one of a kind, and I wasn't going to find another girl like her. I had to find a way to fall for me without... well, you know. I have never tried to steal a girl from Percy before, and I felt guilty about it, too. Robert was one of my closest friends, and I didn't want to destroy that special bond over a bird. Then again, I really did love Kat, and I couldn't have that eating me up inside for the rest of my life. 

This was driving me insane... but it's not like Robert would stay with her much longer, anyway. He would always tell me how special a girl would be to him, and how she was "his one and only". One and only, my ass. As always, he would probably screw her, then move on, looking for another bird to fuck. But I didn't want to seem negative, because Robert did seem to love Kat. He was always by her side, there when she needed him, which is why I tried to push away my feelings up until that one night. I always wondered what it was like to love someone, to really love someone and to have them love you in return.

Kat's POV

After an hour of looking for a place to eat, we found this cute little cafe called the Kleines Cafe. Breakfast was much better without the other guys breaking out into a fight. This was really the only time me and Robert actually got to go out together, one on one, and just talk about life so far. I could just sit there for hours, sipping a small cup of coffee and hearing him ramble on about anything that came to mind. Unfortunately, Robert wasn't really much of a talker, and he urged me to talk more about myself. He propped up his elbow onto the table and rested his head in the palm of his hand, waiting for me to spill my guts. "Well... I'm the oldest out of two, I like art and music, I just finished high school, and I am planning on studying government and political science in college." Robert arched his eyebrows, "Political science?"

"You have something against politics?"

"No, it's just that you'll be leaving for college very soon, which means you'll be leaving us... and me." Oh shit. I didn't even think about that. I didn't want to leave all of this behind, but I also didn't want to throw my entire future away. I'm guessing that Robert could see the hurt in my eyes, "You know what, babe, it's fine. You should go and follow your dreams and don't let me get in the way of that." He took my hand and gently stroked his thumb up against the back of my hand. I didn't want to leave, I wanted this moment to last for as long as possible. I shook my head, "Forget it, I'm not going to leave."

"But you have to, I'm not letting you pass up this opportunity."

"But I have an even bigger opportunity staring me right in the face."

"And what would that be?"

"You." Robert looked down at his lap and sighed. "Don't waste your time on me, Kat."

"I'd rather waste my time on you than waste it doing something else."

"You don't mean that."

"Hell yeah I do." He smiled, "You have the grammar of a two year old." I pretend to be offended, but my smile gave it away. "Why spend all of my time in college when I'm dating a school teacher?" We both laughed at the stupid joke, trying to keep our voices low so we wouldn't attract any attention. "Kat?"


"I love you."

"Right back at you, Robbie."

*Should Kat go to college? I'm making this up as I go

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