Real Love At Last

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*Proceed with caution!

Kat's POV

I ran down the hall, trying to squeeze my way past all of the nurses and doctors. I was so worried about Jimmy, I could hardly think straight. I finally find the room and realize that it was already open. I heard familiar voices inside and I doubt that this wasn't the room I was looking for. I peeked my head and felt my eyes widen at the sight of Pete, Roger, and Keith. I moved away from the door and leaned against the wall, star struck. The Who was another one of my favorite bands, I listened to all of their albums and I had posters of them displayed in my room. I listened to them ever since their first single, and I was hooked. 

I whipped my hair out of my face and dusted myself off. I ran my hands over my white blouse and my colorful silk pants. They were bursting with color, every pattern and shade imaginable laid out on them. But somehow, they complemented each other very well. I stared at my pants until the pattern was burned into my memory. I once again peeked into the room, gaining my confidence. With one great stride, I caught the attention of everyone in the room. I felt a chill go down my spine as my eyes met with Jimmy's. Robert nodded to the others, telling them to leave the room. They all filed out quietly, leaving me and Jimmy alone. Robert gave me a sincere smile, "Whatever happens in here, I'm okay with it." I could tell it was difficult for him to say those words, but he really meant it by the look in his eyes. His hand gently stroked my arm as he walked off, closing the door behind him. 

My memory began to blur as I hurled forward toward the hospital bed. Jimmy began to tense up, "Kat, I am so--" I leaned over the bed, my head hovering over his face. I could feel his warm breath up against my face. The bed creaked as I leaned forward. I could taste a little bit of Jack Daniels on his lips, but it didn't bother me. He brushed my hair out of my face and slipped his hand behind my neck, sending an electric shock throughout my entire body. I pulled away, tears burning their way down my cheeks. "This was all my fault, wasn't it?" I said between sobs. 

Jimmy shook his head and wiped the tears from my face with his thumb. "Kat, I'd would rather go through that crazy scenario a thousand times than live without you," he said warmly. He pulled me in for another kiss, seizing my lips as if his life depended on it. His hand gently squeezed my thigh and made it's way up to my hips. I cursed myself for not wearing a skirt. I pulled away, gasping for air. I inhaled a sharp breath when Jimmy started giving me small kisses on my neck. I unlaced the mint green hospital gown on him and threw it on the chair next to us. He quickly pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you sure?" he whispered. I nodded, but he still wasn't convinced. "What about Robert?" I placed my finger on his lips and shushed him, "Everything will be okay," I whispered into his ear. 

He jammed his hand up the front of my shirt and I almost fell forward by how rough it was. He tore my shirt off of me, sending it flying into the air and landing gracefully onto the ground by the hospital gown. I smirked, "I don't know how you're doing this with broken fingers and a fractured arm." He laughed, "I can hardly feel a thing anymore, I'm so numbed up."

"That'll help, then."

"Oh, you little whore." I giggled and leaned in again, smashing my lips against his. I felt him moan as my lips wrestled with his. His hand went from neck and slid down all the way to my hip. He began tugging at my pants until I had nothing on from the waist down. He wrapped his bandaged arms around me waist and tugged me closer to him. Jimmy planted deep kisses on my neck as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. "Get ready," he whispers. He shoves his cock inside of me and I moan so loudly that it bounces off the walls like an echo. He thrusts so hard that I can barely speak. I held him tighter to me and started kissing him on the corner of his mouth. 

It didn't take long until he was all the way in and we were both having orgasms like crazy. He was pumping inside of my so hard that I couldn't even hold him anymore. I let go of him and laid on my back, letting him fuck me as hard as he wanted to. He would always ask me if he was doing too much, but I would always answer by telling him to do it harder, which he did.

I was squirming like crazy from all of the action. Jimmy's head hovered over mine, his black hair hanging down like a wet mop. He bent down and gave me a kiss, still pumping like crazy on the inside. When he was finally out of breath, he pulled out his cock and collapsed onto his back, gasping for air. I laid down beside him letting my hair spreading out across the pillow, tickling his rosy cheek. We were both exhausted and out of breath. We just laid there, panting like tired dogs. Suddenly, he turned his head to me, his crystal gray eyes beaming with pride. "This is so much better than when Richard payed me a visit." I chuckled and stroked his cheek with the back of my hand. 

"You better get going, Kitty Kat." My face fell when I heard him utter those words, because I wanted to stay by his side, comforting him through this tragic moment. "You're right," I admitted. I got climbed off the bed and tugged my pants back on. I bent over and snatched up my shirt, throwing it back on. Before I left, I bent over and peck one last kiss on Jimmy's lips. "I'll see you later," he whispered a little seductively. I smiled and brushed his black curls out of his face so I could catch a glimpse of those eyes. "I can't wait." I gave him a soft smile and scurried to the door. I gave him one more wave goodbye before stumbling out the door. 

To my surprise, Bonzo and Roger were still there in the hall, sitting on some benches by the door. Roger was reading The Rolling Stone from a nearby magazine rack. Bonzo was busy picking at his fingernails until he noticed my presence. His lips curled up into a sly grin. "So," he teased, "What happened in there?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He already knew what happened, he just wanted to see if I had the guts to admit it. I simply shrugged, "Nothing much." But Bonzo was not convinced, "Yeah, right."

"You were in there for awhile," Roger said, not looking up from the magazine. "An hour in fact." Woah, I was in there for an entire hour? Well, it could have been worse, right? Besides, it was worth it to be with Jim. "Where did everyone go?" I questioned. "They got tired and went back to the hotel, but we choose to stay because we knew you would be pissed if we left you behind," Bonzo explained to me as he rose to from his seat. "But now that you're here, lets go." Roger wasn't paying the least bit of attention, he was absorbed into his reading. Bonzo went up to him and snatched that magazine right out of his clutches. "Read it later," he said flatly as he crammed it back into the magazine rack. We all strode down the hall, but I couldn't help but look back at Jimmy's room because behind that door was the love of my life. I know it was all of a sudden, but now I'm sure, and I won't have it any other way.

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